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Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 6:54 am
by Cropduster

Been listening the these pollies
with their bullshit and their spin
Got to wondering 'When exactly did
this bull-shittery begin?'
Pork barrelling was probably
bull-shittery of the past -
the promises a pollie made
while speaking from his arse.
It seems the buggers are all crooks,
crawled up out of the sewer.
Should bag up all the shit they talk -
it's prime A-grade manure.
Spray it on your roses,
you would surely win a prize.
With that much shit, your roses
would grow twice the bloody size.
Did pollies always spew forth such
a pile of pollie-crap?
Was the voter always considered
such a simple minded sap,
that he couldn't tell his up from down?
Could not tell day from night?
He couldn't tell when he was
being shat on from a height?
Maybe it was simpler
in the days before the net
Did they just get re-elected
cause the shit had not dried yet?
With the bull-shit flowing freely
they just took the votes and ran,
before the lies were found out,
before the shit had hit the fan.
But now days when they bull-shit
every single word that's said
gets scrutinised on Facebook,
and is plastered on the web.
It's become the bull-shit filter -
a 'bull-shittery device'
to make the pollie-shitter
think not once but perhaps twice
about talking utter bull-crap
to a different voting crop
who are armed with social media
designed to make the bull-shit stop.
We used to call our undies
our 'shit-catchers' back in school.
Perhaps it's social media
that's the real shit-catching tool.
So, go on. all you pollies
keep on spreading all your lies,
but the younger generations
are beginning to get wise
to all your lies and bull-shit,
so here is a tip for free -
why not try some good old fashioned
dinkum truth and honesty.

Copyright (c) Allan Cropper November 2015


Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 7:06 am
by Heather
Pity the roses. :)


Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 6:50 pm
by LongMan
G'day Allan,

Hmmm, made me think about how tough it is to be in the political spot light. With them lawyers everywhere now days twisting your words, making a mockery of what was said its tough. Here in America I have been subject to it every night...all the way up to the elections next year. The BS is every where you look. The Yanks are are a weird mob and treat politics like a blood thirsty football match. Trash talking every where. Its strange cuz compulsory voting is not what happens here yet they are so bloody serious and cut throat...and then there is the dirty politics. Its all to strange in a way, but very Hollywood I must say. But to think the guy or gal they do elect has the finger on the button and its the most powerful position in the world makes me shudder to think what will happen if any of the lot running get in. Enough about the mess here. However I thought you would have brought in the thorns of a rose bush somewhere there. I've always wanted to grow a black rose...because its very tough to get it right.

Thanks for posting.



Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 7:25 pm
by Cropduster
A rose by any other name, Heather....hmmmm, I wish I had written that.

Thanks Phil. Politics is a game that is unavoidable in a democratic society. However, to believe that elected representatives truly represent the will of the people is an absurdity. I admire you're stance, and I can only hope you stay true to your beliefs and ideals.