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Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 6:40 am
by Cropduster
Waste Management

I used to have two wheelie bins
but down here I've got three,
and a calendar pinned on the fridge
to show what day they'll be

A red lid and a yellow lid,
another one that's green.
The council keeps an eagle eye,
and lets you know they've been

Don't dare go mix your rubbish
for my friend, it's a safe bet
that you'll cop a whopping hefty fine
if you do wrong, and get

The red is normal daily waste,
green's garden waste, you see.
Recycle in the yellow -
mix the bins and they will be

To save our ailing planet
it is really not a fuss
to separate our household waste,
It's clearly up to us -
its expected

For minimising landfill
and recycling what we can,
let's us do our little bit
to ensure that this great land
is protected.

Copyright (c) Allan Cropper October 2015