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Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 7:16 pm
by Jeff Thorpe
We've all been to one at one time or another.


The simple word “Sale” comes with many connotations
and generates a raft of hopeful expectations,
sellers push their product with a tempting, coaxing spiel
while buyers minds are set upon obtaining a good deal.

“Sold” is the triumphant cry of the auctioneer,
a true test of the market, never fear
but, on a scale less formal, with less regard to detail
the jumble sale will always be a match for retail.

Known by many names and held on most weekends
jumble sales stimulate receipt of sundry stipends
for school fetes and charities with little directional sweat,
tips for buyers simply, “what you see is what you get”.

White elephant sale, rummage sale, flea market, all of these
fall under the shroud of jumble sale, think of dogs and fleas,
they have a certain aura department stores can’t reach,
the adage “horses for courses” does, I guess apply to each.

A recent interloper shaped on jumble sales’ success
is the garage sale, which I must confess
brought me quite a tidy sum peddling unneeded stuff,
“one man’s trash another’s treasure” a true saying, sure enough.

Then there’s the car boot sale, bring and buy, all of the same ilk,
disposing of dubious goods, made out like finest silk,
a set up not unlike a middle eastern grand bazaar
but strangely, customers flock to these from near and far.

Lastly, there are thrift stores run by Vinnies and the like
more up market jumble sales where at times one can strike
a genuine bargain that a donor had forgone,
akin to an ugly duckling emerging as a swan.

Jeff Thorpe © 09 June 2015


Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 11:29 am
by Maureen K Clifford
Must have missed this when you posted it - as a lover of 'sales' I can relate to it Jeff - I recall buying my Mum when I was about 8 a rather motheaten fox fur stole at a Parish Jumble Sale - I (then) thought it was lovely, now I would be horrified.


Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 7:06 pm
by Jeff Thorpe
I think we've all been guilty of those kinds of purchases at some times Maureen.

Cheers, Jeff


Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 10:36 pm
by Shelley Hansen
So true Jeff! Seems you only have to add the word "bargain" or "sale" and people queue up for the oddest things! I remember hearing a story once about a person who put an item on the footpath with a sign "giveaway free". No one took any notice of it. So he changed the sign to "Bargain - $50". Someone stole the item that night!

Cheers, Shelley