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Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 7:54 am
by Cropduster

'Your next', Gino, the barber beckoned me up to the chair
For years Gino had been the only one to cut my hair
'How do you like it, mister?' Gino whispered with a grin
He knew just how I liked it, its the way its always been.
'A number two, the back and sides, a little off the top.
You know I like to brush it back, I'll tell you when to stop
if it looks like you're about to go and cut it way too short'
Gino, he just faked a laugh - I heard a little snort.

'So how's your day been, mister? You been keeping busy, mate'
The standard open banter line at any barber date.
'I work enough to keep the bloody creditors at bay'
'How you been keeping, Gino, you weren't here the other day.'
I saw Gino's face change a bit - he looked a little sad
It seemed as though I touched a nerve, I felt a little bad
'I hope there's nothing wrong, my friend'. I saw in Gino's eye
a little tear had formed, it looked as though the man would cry.

'We had a fam'ly crisis and I had to rush back home
when Gina, my first daughter, had just called me on the phone
saying something 'bout a murder, and I better come real quick
Her mother's going crazy, and she'll end up in the nick.
Said she nearly killed a rabbit - it will be upon her head
It there's nothing that will save it, if it winds up being dead.
I rush back home, race through the door, there's Gina on a chair
Did someone kill her rabbit? - No, her mother dyed her hair.

Well Gino burst out laughing, and just fell about the place
'You should have seen the look, my friend, the look upon your face'
'You sat there fully sucked in, mate, you never said a word
I reckon I deserve a bloody 'cadamy award.'
'I got you there a beauty, mate. you're number ten today
'With jokes like that, my barber friend, you're lucky that I pay.'
'Keep telling yarns like that, your customers just won't come back
I might remind you there's another barber up the track.'

Copyright (c) Allan Cropper May 2015