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Death in the Outback

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 5:17 am
by Cropduster
Death in the Outback

A cluster of hungry grim reapers
consider the carcass laid bare,
then tearing with claw and with canines
the carrion on offer as fare.

Oh, death in the outback is brutal,
flesh baked in a blistering sun.
For dingo the bounty is fruitful,
fair game for a pack on the run.

While dancing and strutting the outer
Torresian crow lays in wait
to peck at the pieces left clinging
to rib bones, where flesh is most sweet.

The cycle is as it's intended
The fallen sustain those who scrounge
for morsels of decaying tidbits
served up in death's departure lounge.

Copyright (c) Allan Cropper May 2015

Re: Death in the Outback

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 1:50 pm
by Neville Briggs
Waste not, want not. ;)