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Horses And Riders

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 7:33 am
by Bob Pacey
A couple of years back I did a show for a charity group at a little place called The Caves just north of Rockhampton. Midway through a rough looking bloke came up and asked could I read out one of his poems which I did. His name was Mark Gutajar and he obviously knew what he was talking about. This is one of Marks Poems.

Horses and Riders

The yard rail smashed open
and there he stood tall
The ringer jumped sideways
and let out a call

The bulls busted free
and he's snortin' like mad
so the blokes all came running
with stock whips in hand.

With horses all saddled
they mounted their backs
No time for swags,
quart pot or packs.

The bull saw them coming
and he started to float
and most of the blokes
got lump in their throat.

Cause' the country was rugged
with melon hole plain
with brigalow suckers
again and again.

Up over the ridge
and down the first slope
The blokes were hard ridin'
and still full of hope.

With hat brims pushed back
tight reins and no slack
while over their heads
their whips made a crack.

Then a rider came round'
and he shouldered the beast
It was then that we thought
this wild run had ceased.

But the bull threw it's head
and it gave out a roar
and sent the young rider
to the rugged bush floor.

With anger and fear
now setting the pace
There were horses and riders
all over the place.

But the bull turned around
at the riders and stopped
and then lowered it's head
with it's eyes on the spot.

With a bellow and flick
he sent dirt in the air
and which way he'd push next
no rider knew where.

With night coming on
this chase had to end
They knew they must hold him
and get this beast penned.

Then the bull led a charge
that would that would baffle the best
and then buried it's head
in the bay geldings chest.

Then as rider and horse
came down with a crash
the bull spun on it's haunches
as quick as a flash.

One of the riders
then pulled out a gun
I'm gonna kill you ya bastard
for what you've just done.

With rifle held high
and ready to fire
He noticed the beast
was beginning to tire.

So the riders moved in
a large circle they made
around this young bull
and horse where it laid.

Then darkness set is
and the blokes could not see
so the bull took it's last chance
at one final flee.

He broke through the ring
and got clean away
and still no one's seen him
till this very day.

But one day he will show
Be sure of that my friend
then horses and riders
will be on him again.

Mark Gutajar (C)

Re: Horses And Riders

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 10:16 am
by Maureen K Clifford
He's a cleanskin - can't find anything on him on the web - wonder if this poem was a one off - shame if it was

Re: Horses And Riders

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 6:33 pm
by Catherine Lee
Yes it would be a shame as Mark is obviously talented - this is a great poem that makes you feel as if you're there in the yard watching it all unfold.