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Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 8:30 pm
by Jeff Thorpe
This was a subject in the Writing Workshop way back when Andy was calling the shots on the old web site. I started the poem but didn't get around to finishing it before the cut off date.
Have recently come across it in my documents and here is the completed article.

There's Always Tomorrow

I think back to my youth when there never was much time
to fit in all the things I yearned to do.
Parties, footy, study and many others too,
the pace was hot with many hills to climb.

Now I'm in retirement the gait has slowed right down,
chores are done just when and if I choose.
Sleeping in on Mondays, not wearing any shoes,
few sorrows lurking that I need to drown.

The Spanish word "manana", or tomorrow, is my creed,
for there's no need to hurry anymore.
I sit and see the traffic all a scurry pass my door,
pleased I have no requisite for speed.

Little use for timetables, no matter if you miss
occasions classed one time as sacrosanct.
Every now and then you wonder why some items ranked
when "down the track" they're easy to dismiss.

"Life's Good" is the new mantra to which I now subscribe,
my Senior's Card's become my latest friend.
A handy mate to bring out every time there's need to spend,
with helpful discounts for the Seniors' tribe.

But, funny how you don't spend much when there's no hurly burly,
plus, wants and need get sorted out real quick.
Awareness becomes clearer about how our world does tick,
pity spending wisdom comes not early.

So, who knows what tomorrow holds, it's like a lucky dip,
we never know what hand we will receive,
and if perhance what comes up is what we'd rather leave,
there'll always always be tomorrows here to sip.

Jeff Thorpe February 2011 (c)


Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 8:41 pm
by Trisha Patterson
Hi Jeff,
Sounds like you have been talking to my husband...he uses that same "creed" when I need something done! :lol:


Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 7:34 pm
by Heather
A good mantra to have Jeff. It's nice not having the clock rule your life isn't it?

Heather :)