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Memories Of Mum

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 5:47 pm
by Bob Pacey
I just recieved word that my auntie Pat passed away. She was a wonderful lady aged 85 and was the main driving force in my own passion for poetry. I hope you do not mind if I post one of her poems. This she wrote when she lost her mother in 1975.

Memories Of Mum

You left so many memories
Each one so fond and true,
I've just to close my eyes to see
The dear, sweet face of you.

I loved the soft and silvery hair,
The calm and gentle brow,
The eyes of brown that shone with love
Seem so close even now.

One special memory,darling mum,
As timeless as the sands,
The greatest memory of my life
Those gentle work-worn hands.

They rocked me in my cradle days
They held me to your breast
They were always there so full of love
To help and do their best.

When all my world had gone astray
And no one seemed to care
In tears I turned around to find
Those gentle hands were there.

They soothed away my troubles
They made things right somehow
Thinking of you, darling mum
It seems I feel them now.

God saw that they were getting tired
And only he knows best,
He said, " Thy life's work nobly done "
And laid those hands to rest.

Until we meet again, dear Mum
In his great promised land
Oh darling, how I long to clasp
A gentle work-worn hand.

Pat Little

Re: Memories Of Mum

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 7:24 pm
by Dave Smith
Bob a very nice poem, Mum all ways the hinge pin of any family.

Re: Memories Of Mum

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 7:30 pm
by Heather
Lovely poem by Bob. Sorry to hear of your loss. I can tell that you are going to miss her.


Re: Memories Of Mum

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 5:53 pm
by Bob Pacey
Thanks Dave and Heather The funeral was on Tuesday and I did the Eulogy. Got to read out a couple of poems from her book Poems From The Heart. Was fitting that even the priest read a poem.

I will post one of her funny one's soon.

Cheers Bob