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Whenever You Hear Me Say

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 1:41 pm
by David J Delaney
Moderator: David, I have given this poem it's own thread. It is probably not a good idea to post a poem in an existing thread as it can get lost. We don't want you to hide your light under the Gidgee.

Whenever You Hear Me Say

Here we are again my love,
shaded by this Gidgee tree,
on this cedar bench I made,
our place, where we love to be.

Courting Robins flit above,
how they sing a lovely tune
Through wild flowers breezes blow,
carrying their sweet perfume.

Listen to the babbling creek,
meander its winding way.
Then you softly smile and nod
whenever you hear me say……

Here we are again my love,
our old homesteads, clean and warm,
though the front gate needs repair,
looking rusted, tired and worn.

Can you hear that distant crow
with its harking mournful cry,
the yard’s in need of water,
now so brown and parched and dry.

You remember during droughts,
we would come down here to pray.
Then you softly smile and nod
whenever you hear me say……

Here we are again my love,
Grandsons, they’re out ploughing seed,
Granddaughters’ in the kitchen
busy cooking up a feed.

Your emerald eyes still sparkle,
like they did when we were young
then that day I said to you,
‘Darling you’re my only one’.

On this anniversary,
remember our special day.
Then you softly smile and nod
whenever you hear me say……

Here we are again my love,
Boys return from hours of toil
hungry for some home cooked stew,
wash away the dusty soil.

Mia’s calling ‘Nan come in,
kettles ready for a brew’,
‘Micala’s finished serving’,
we’ll be waiting just for you’.

You’re gently blowing kisses,
placing Wattle on my grave.
Then you softly smile and nod.
Turn and slowly walk away.

David J Delaney
04/07/2008 ©

Re: Whenever You Hear Me Say

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 11:20 pm
by Irene
Lovely poem David!!

Re: Whenever You Hear Me Say

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 7:39 am
by Maureen Clifford
Ooooh - now I need more hankies :( :(



Re: Whenever You Hear Me Say

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 9:18 am
by David J Delaney
Thank you Irene & Maureen, this is certainly quite different from the original, but I do like this one.