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Post by Terry » Sun Nov 21, 2010 9:25 pm

We gasp at all these stories when we hear a C.E.O,
has got a massive paycheck when compared with workers dough.
And indignation rises when these figures are announced.
We threaten revolution and these mongrels are denounced

But are we any different from these the Johnies from the banks,
or from our so called leaders who have never heard of thanks.
For most of us I’m sad to say; correct me if I’m wrong.
Would gladly auction granny , and then sell her for a song.

© T.E. Piggott 21/11/2010

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Post by Suzanne » Mon Nov 22, 2010 12:01 am

Hi Terry

Not everybody would do that, but you do have a point. I was talking to a young bloke this afternoon who as well having a good job, came into a sizable inheritance a few years ago. Everybody was taking advantage of him. When he told somebody he had spent all of his money, none of the group wanted anything more to do with him. It's not quite the granny scenario but it seems all they wanted was his money.




Post by Leonie » Mon Nov 22, 2010 9:02 am

I reckon you could be on to something there Terry. I wonder how many people who think profit is a dirty word have shares in those greedy banks and big companies. A lot of super funds would have, and a lot of workers have super. I've worked for a few large corporations over the years and their first obligation is to the shareholders, it usually says so in their credo. Shareholders always come first, and shareholders like profits because profits mean dividends. These days shareholders aren't necessarily rich people, they can be, and often are, ordinary mums and dads.

As for granny, depends on the granny I would think. ;) :D Mine - only had three - one I would have gladly given away, any money I could have gotten for her would have been a bonus :twisted: but the other two, nuh money couldn't buy 'em.

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Post by Terry » Mon Nov 22, 2010 11:36 am

Morning All,
I suspect we live in an age of greed, that touches most of us to some extent.
As a mate recently told me that everyone has a price, he's just waiting for an offer - any offer.
I suppose the other point is when is enough, enough. In most cases never I suspect.

Hi Suzanne,
A case of love me or my money, it's sad isn't it.

G/day leonie,
Perhaps if the CEO'S left a bit more in the kitty, those poor old mums and dads would get a little more of the profits.

Hi Marty,
A bit like I said before when is enough enough, for some I suspect only when they have it all, and they still will probably want more.

Cheers Terry

David J Delaney


Post by David J Delaney » Mon Nov 22, 2010 12:26 pm

I so enjoyed this Terry, It just makes me fume when I hear of the obsene amounts these seat warmers receive, would love to see them attempt to get a piano or 8 x 4 slate pool table up 2 or 4 fights of stairs, the heaviest thing I think they carry would be their folder & gold pens.

goodonya mate. :D

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Post by Terry » Mon Nov 22, 2010 1:27 pm

G/day David,
Or maybe their wallets mate, some of those are pretty heavy.

Cheers Terry

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Post by thestoryteller » Mon Nov 22, 2010 4:28 pm

Everyone is enticed and drawn out by their own desire Terry. I guess some just have a lot more desires than others mate.

The Storyteller.
Some days your the pidgeon and other days the statue.

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Post by Terry » Mon Nov 22, 2010 4:42 pm

To 'The Story Teller'

G/day Mate,
I don't think we've swapped notes before, anyway I'm pleased to catch up with you and thanks for the comment.

And I reckon you maybe right there.

Cheers Terry

David J Delaney


Post by David J Delaney » Mon Nov 22, 2010 5:42 pm

G'day Merv, how are ya mate, would you believe I still get people telling me how much they loved 'Robby' :D

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Post by r.magnay » Mon Nov 22, 2010 8:28 pm

Greed is a funny thing to define I reckon, I don't know anyone who will work for free, and before you say anything about volunteers working for free...I don't think so, maybe cheap but nobody works for free! We all have to eat and we can't do that if we don't get paid, even if it is in tucker, then greed gets a bit easier to define, "....that greedy pig ate until he got sick!" Hands up anyone who knows someone who knocked back a pay rise....because they didn't think they needed it! So everyone who ever got a pay rise is greedy? I too think it is obscene for CEO's and the like to get payed as much as they do, but........if someone offered us a similar wage would we accept it? Sure we may, and I say may, distribute it a bit more fairly...but would we? I guess most of us will never really know the answers to these questions so I still think greed is a hard thing to define. But please don't lump all successful people in the greedy class....that is not the case!

Hey Dave, the office Johnies that never carried a pool table or a piano or climbed a water tank or dug a trench, might not be greedy....just smarter than us ;)

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