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Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:18 pm
by worddancer
Some South Aussies celebrate Christmas in July to enjoy the traditional fare of the Northern clime. Instead of the prawns and salads which are consumed in December at Christmas time. This is for them and all who do the same.


The toys in the shops today are so different from the past
With electronic games replacing bat and ball.
Even parents get in the mix and children need be fast,
If they want to play with their new gifts without anyone at all.

Backyard cricket is forgotten when the Wii comes on the scene
The virtual sports replace a pitch and tennis court.
Invisible balls are slashed at and hit towards the screen,
Where an imaginary opponent takes the point or says ‘you’re caught!’

These rivals in the TV box will play with you, alone
Or, you can play with a human, by your side.
Sometimes, a couch potato gets up to play and groan
With the unfamiliar movement of a swing that’s wide.

The DS and the PSP keep everyone amused
And exercise the brains of young and old.
Then there’s Pokemon and Mario, forever being renewed
And played with concentration; fingers, quick and bold.

But games are put away when all are sitting at the table,
No fast-food today; it is Christmas fare for all,
With roast turkey, pudding, and cake, to eat if they are able,
And after, fall asleep in the lounge room or the hall.

The joys and toys of Christmas shared with hugs and smiles
Used to happen once a year, with loved ones side by side.
Today the meeting can be on the internet or mobiles
And photos breach the distance between places far and wide.

© 2010
