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Why Do I Rhyme?

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 8:12 pm
by keats
I rhyme for love, I rhyme for art, I rhyme for sake of fun
I rhyme to make a statement, and for fears to overcome
I rhyme to tell a tale or portray a certain scene
I rhyme to tell of history, or just what may have been

I tell stories for to entertain and bring about a smile
To the sad, and disillusioned who have placed their life on trial
I tell stories for to bring a laugh, and raise a hearty grin
At the way our country used to be, before some threw it in

I don't rhyme for any cynics, I don't rhyme to upset folk
I don't rhyme to shock the people or to make 'real' poets choke
I don't rhyme for sake of anger, I don't rhyme to try and damn
I don't rhyme for intellectuals, for that's not who I am.

I don't recite to fit your guidelines, as I want no accolade
I don't recite to claim some trophies, those I've won I've long mislaid
Yet I pride myself in one thing, that's the reason why I live
To bring a smile to people, it's the gift I have to give

Thus if I'm not your cup of tea, that's fine, I understand
But don't you try to smear my name, or works plied by my hand
I was bought up in the heyday of 'Bush Poet's family'
But now it seems dysfunctional and such for all to see

The snide remarks, the undertones, it really breaks my heart
That the toil of modern poets gave the genre a new start
Only to be undermined by jealousy or spite?
My pencil cries, my paper bleeds, as I sit here tonight

Knowing that I feel, again, alone within my quest
To build a form of rhyming that I hope will stand the test
And renew the Aussie values, and perhaps knock down a wall
Between the stubborn adults and the young folk that we call...

Irresponsible, delinquent, slaves to new technology
For we all know much better, so it's our side they should see.
Well sorry but I must move on, the world is changing fast
So condemn my rhyming if you must, as I farewell the past.


©Neil McArthur 2011

Re: Why Do I Rhyme?

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 8:20 pm
by Leonie
Good one Neil, once again I think you have a point. If we want bush poetry to appeal to young people we have to bring it into the 21st century. I remember one festival organiser last year saying to the press that he hoped some of the bush poetry entries would be about Australia today because we should all realise that The Man from Snowy River has already been written.

Oh and mate, I don't think you are alone, I think there are quite a few people who might feel the same way.

Re: Why Do I Rhyme?

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 8:34 pm
by Bob Pacey
Here Here. Keats. will be your shout first up at Bundy mate.

Looks like you and I perform for the samne reason. I had a grand audience of 10 tonight and was able to get up close and personnel with them. one old fella in his eighties told me to stop because his guts were hurting.

Best night for ages and I'm still on a high.


Re: Why Do I Rhyme?

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 1:02 am
by Irene
Well said, and well written Keats!!!
Poetry is not about winning awards and accolades - whether written or performed - but, providing either yourself or someone else gets some thing out of it, you have achieved the pinnacle!!!


Re: Why Do I Rhyme?

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 7:42 am
by Maureen K Clifford
Totally agree Neal with the others comments - as Irene's little tag says - what goes around comes around - it may not always be in the way of fame or fortune but sometimes just knowing that your words have touched somebody is a far greater reward and one you can't put a price on. My old Dad always told us kids that the only worthwhile reward anybody got would be to go to heaven - and that only those who had tried their best made it there - gave us all something to strive towards.

