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A Mother

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 12:54 pm
by mummsie
Here's one for Mothers Day.
A Mother
She cradled you in loving arms, and held you to her breast,
as you nuzzled close to her, you knew you'd chose the best.
Those first years she watched over you, through many sleepless nights,
whenever she would speak your name, her face showed sheer delight.

Through trials and tribulations, of those early learning years,
she'd pick you up, and dust you off, and wipe away your tears.
And when your first love let you down, your heart you thought would shatter,
she knew the words to say to you, the words that really matter.

Through early years, as mothers do, she never left your side,
was there when graduation came, her heart so full of pride.
Then came the day you found the one, for love was not alone,
she knew the time had come to let, her child stand on their own.

And know you fully understand, this role is like no other,
with children of your own you know, there's no one like a mother.
More years have passed, and time has come, to farewell one so giving,
with grieving heart, you say goodbye, she made your life worth living

Sue PearceĀ©

Re: A Mother

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 9:59 pm
by Irene
Beautiful words Sue - a lovely tribute to a mother.
thanks for sharing!
