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Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 4:56 pm
by Bob Pacey
Vic the secret is self promotion. I have over the years by doing charity promotions and such built up a pretty good relationship with both the local papers and commercial radio stations. Now if they require something topical they will contact me to see if i can do a poem on the subject.

Send your poems to the local paper and send audio recordings to the radio stations in your area. it is like fishing you might put a lot of baits out there but at eventually you will get a bite. What you do with it from there on is up to you.

Just gotta have confidence that you can fill their need.

Show starts in half and hour see ya later.

Cheers Bob


Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:12 pm
by Vic Jefferies
Good On You Bob, all very good and sound advice but I wasn't talking about me. I was talking about everyone making bush poetry more relevant to today's people.
You are doing a fine job in achieving that goal.


Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:54 pm
by Heather
There is nothing harmful with a bit of robust open and friendly discussion. Like poets of the past I think we still write (and should write) of current events and happenings relevant to ourselves.

Instead of placing minorities into positions for the sake of filling a place it would make more sense to me to actually educate and train people so that they can then fill a position on their merit. I mean there are people of Aboriginal and Chinese origins, Muslims and homosexuals and the odd Anglo Saxon male in parliament now and I'm sure they didn't get there because they were from a minority group - they earnt their way (hopefully).

Last ANZAC day I had a poem published in the local paper and another paper has seen it and is now requesting permission to use it! I still get people stop me and comment on that poem and it was three months ago. Give it a go.

Heather :)


Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:48 pm
by Vic Jefferies
Not too much of the old there Matt!


Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 1:58 pm
by Glenny Palmer
I've said it before...& I'll (naturally) say it again...

Get the CWA to run the country!!