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Post by alongtimegone » Wed Apr 03, 2024 1:56 pm

The metre's all over the shop but I wasn't trying to be correct. And it's not a rhyme scheme that I enjoy but it happened in stanza one so had to continue. Just wanted to say how sad I found it not to be able to read poems from all of those whose poetry once graced the columns of these pages.


Perhaps it’s not for me to say
I wasn’t around at the time.
But feeling a need to write and to read
I’m a bit on a downer today.

My words never reached the heights attained
by many of those who belonged.
But of all of those writers - bush poetry reciters
it seems just a few have remained.

The A - B - P - A is outstanding.
Its cabinets boast trophies galore.
And it seems a great shame for this stuff of acclaim
to be shrinking instead of expanding.

The poets who once graced its pages,
I’m sure are still having their say.
And I know that their writing - be it gentle or biting
we’ll be reading for many a day.

It will cover such myriad settings
and times from before until now
and from Harrison to Clancy and bush narrative fancy
It will seal its place. No chance there’ll be forgettings

But this forum’s still the best place for that rhyme,
words of which I know forever will be linked
to turbulent flooding rains and majestic sweeping plains
harboured safely from the ravages of time

Last edited by alongtimegone on Fri Apr 05, 2024 10:00 am, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 777
Joined: Tue Nov 02, 2010 5:55 pm
Location: Blue Mtns.


Post by Ron » Fri Apr 05, 2024 9:28 am

Yeah Wazza, it's all a bit sad when you think what it used to be like!


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