Night Mistress

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David J Delaney

Night Mistress

Post by David J Delaney » Wed Nov 03, 2010 10:04 am

Night Mistress

Eyes feeling heavy, still there’s no reprieve
As every K draws me closer to my goal.
Thinking of my family, I start to grieve:
This mistress of night has taken my soul.

Bull lights shine, piercing the dark abyss,
Illuminated eyes glint in fear;
How many, I wonder become a near miss—
Dart into the scrub then disappear?

ZZ Top blast their tune to no avail,
My head’s ever cloudy on this chilly night.
Fresh cool air I deeply inhale,
Hoping back home, everything’s right.

My wife once again is sleeping alone,
I know she wishes I’d give it away;
Fearing the worst from the ringing phone,
Strength and bravery must be displayed.

White flash startles me from a trance—
Was this owl an omen, a greater spirit’s will?
Through the darkness I continue my advance,
Remembering, micro-sleeps kill.

Mirrors reflect an untraceable past,
Clearance lights snake into the distance;
Windscreen highlights the future so vast,
This old rig shows no resistance.

Now at a truck stop, far from family and home,
Glad my night mistress for the moment has gone.
Why do I do this? The answer remains unknown;
I’ll keep driving, I’ll continue on.

David J Delaney
29/01/2009 ©

I was the only Queenslander selected from hundreds of submissions and was flown to Sydney to perform my poem at Olympic park, Sydney, 21st March 2009. for "Dust poems" a project by the Redroom Company, "poetry by Australian Truck drivers".


Re: Night Mistress

Post by MadMick » Sun Nov 07, 2010 4:25 pm

Howdy Dave,

Good to read this one again and I promise I'll get that photo up for you.
After reading this I looked back through my stuff and found one that relates to yours fairly well. I submitted it for the Sydney show but it wasn't the one they chose as you know.
I think it compliments yours being written from the "other half's" point of view.
Great to see you and YOUNG Marty up north, must do it more often. And here was I thinking I'd be younger than him!!! At least he sports a very sensible haircut.
A Wife’s Lament

Silent fretful slumber, stifled burning screams,
Anxious for her lover through her unremitting dreams,
This night goes on unendingly, unbearably it seems,
With all her faith she’ll see him home again.
The darkness takes her hostage, defeating stoic will,
Her heart is given lessons on some sick perverted thrill,
And all the while she prays the callous demons have their fill ,
With tears she wakes and calls him home again.
A sob from down the hallway brings a child from his bed,
He whispers to his mother words devoted women dread,
Intently as she listens to the troubled words he said,
She softly weeps “You’ll see him home again”.
This night can keep its terrors, its horrid evil hold,
He says he’ll give up driving for his body’s getting old,
But knowing that he won’t just makes her fearful blood run cold,
Fated to repeat this night again.
Within her aching fingers burns a golden wedding band,
As precious memories take her to the day he stole her hand,
With every drawn out minute, she’s the hour - he’s the sand,
Away he slips, “oh please come home again”.
Then in the greyish vapour ‘tween the darkness and the light,
The man that’s left her shaking, tired and ragged through the night,
"Come here my love and hold me for you know now I’m alright”,
But in her heart she knows it’s not the end,
One day she fears he’ll not come home again.

©MadMick 2009

David J Delaney

Re: Night Mistress

Post by David J Delaney » Mon Nov 08, 2010 4:29 pm

G'day Mick, I remember this poem & enjoyed it then as I do now. It was good to 'catch up' & Marty's hair cut is just like mine... :o :lol: :o :lol: :o :lol:

When you come across the right photo mate will be fine. :)


Re: Night Mistress

Post by warooa » Wed Nov 10, 2010 5:18 am

Call it a sensible haircut for one over-endowed with testosterone. Good to read 'night mistress again' Dave. When (old) Mick came up to Cooktown:

Me: (to the missus) Hey, Roo - up for a visitor?
Roo: Yeah, who?
Me: Bloke I met on the internet
Roo: Do you know him?
Me: Nup
Roo: when?
Me: He's on his way
Roo: What's his name?
Me: Calls himself Mad Mick
Roo: righto


Re: Night Mistress

Post by MadMick » Wed Nov 10, 2010 7:38 am

Just goes to show you that the internet is full of meek, mild, innocent looking quiet gentleman like myself!
Was a pleasure to meet you all (twice), and the girls are just beautiful old mate, big AND little!
You're all welcome down home if ya have the inclination to head that way.

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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: Night Mistress

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Wed Nov 10, 2010 11:26 am

Apart from the two beaut poems here - isn't it great that we have so much camaraderie in this group that we are old friends even though we have never actually met in person - but when we do it is like we have never been apart, and the welcomes are always warm. IMHO that is what makes this site so wonderful.


Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

I may not always succeed in making a difference, but I will go to my grave knowing I at least tried.


Re: Night Mistress

Post by MadMick » Wed Nov 10, 2010 3:10 pm

Not only that Maureen but the gathering consisted of three of the most incredibly handsome young gentlemen you would ever have the pleasure of meeting! The women were stunning, the beer was cold and the night was too short for all.
If memory serves me correctly, Marty and Roo welcomed us at their lovely property attired in Cooktowns finest summer fashion, which Kim and I have taken to and graced most of the East Coast with on our decent South.
Photos available for a small fee.

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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: Night Mistress

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Wed Nov 10, 2010 3:56 pm

and presumably bovine garden fertilizer bagged and offered free :lol:
Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

I may not always succeed in making a difference, but I will go to my grave knowing I at least tried.

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Re: Night Mistress

Post by Terry » Thu Nov 11, 2010 10:21 am

G/day David & Mick,
A couple of real good poems here, I have read 'Night Mistress' before but enjoyed having another read.
I haven't read your one before Mick but she's a beauty mate.
I've never been a Truckie but have done a fair bit of distance driving over the years and know
what your saying.

Cheers Terry


Re: Night Mistress

Post by MadMick » Thu Nov 11, 2010 1:55 pm

Maureen I'm shocked!
To even suggest such a thing.
Thanks Terry, very kind of you.

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