Just Thinking

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Re: Just Thinking

Post by Heather » Sat Dec 19, 2015 5:49 pm

See, that's the problem with distance Terry, you can't hear me chuckling away! (The happy face was the hint!) Definitely not upset so you can sleep at night! :lol:

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Re: Just Thinking

Post by Terry » Sat Dec 19, 2015 10:40 pm

That's alright then.

Started the second phase of my rehab program today and walked 3.5 klms.
On-wards and upwards - what do they say - one small step...


Re: Just Thinking

Post by Heather » Sun Dec 20, 2015 9:20 am

It takes a bit to upset me Terry - but woe-betide you if you do, cause I hold a grudge like an elephant! :lol:

I started my re-hab today too but I didn't walk nearly as far as you Terry.

Heather :)

PS I don't really hold grudges!

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Bob Pacey
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Re: Just Thinking

Post by Bob Pacey » Sun Dec 20, 2015 10:15 am

My rehab involves a nice prawn avacado and mango salad washed down with a couple of Rum and colas.

Well the kids have been giving me hell this week and the parents are sometimes just as bad.

Three cheers to the six year old sweetie who gave me a bottle of Ginger beer and a Turkish delight for keeping her safe on the water park.

And And And it is still one week to Christmas.

The purpose in life is to have fun.
After you grasp that everything else seems insignificant !!!

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Re: Just Thinking

Post by Cropduster » Sun Dec 20, 2015 1:31 pm

Do you feel a sort of sadness now, or is it only me,
when you think about Australia and the way it used to be?

Sadly, I fear it is the whole world that is changing for the worse. I global economy has resulted in a global greed, and those in power are either corrupt or mere puppets for the money moguls.

The truth is out there, but the generation that will soon be responsible for decisions affecting the future of our nation are too busy snap chatting and Face booking to take an active role in governance, and are being herded like sheep into the shearing sheds of submissiveness.

That is what I am thinking.

But merry Christmas, mate, and I wish you the very best for the New Year.

Vic Jefferies
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Re: Just Thinking

Post by Vic Jefferies » Sun Dec 20, 2015 7:47 pm

Terry, I could not help but think of this old one when I read your excellent poem. Given that I wrote it four years ago, perhaps it was accurate:

The Right Honourable Mr. I. Fibsabit, MP.
Minister for Large White Cars,
International Travel and Odious Gasses.


Now, I don’t know how you feel,
but I think you may agree -
something’s wrong with our country,
it’s not the land it used to be.
No longer is it the Australia
that I was raised to know
and Mr. Politician
could you tell me why that’s so?

I don’t remember voting
to give the place away,
to anyone who had a boat
or had enough dough to pay
and I don’t believe I voted
to send our farmers broke
by importing food from places
that think fair trade is a joke!

Dear Mr Sitting Member,
between your overseas flights
could you re-explain to me
that bit about criminal’s rights?
Could you tell me once again
how the bloke who robbed me blind
was really forced to do it
because his Dad was so unkind!

Now everyday it’s harder
to find a product made in Oz
and I wonder why that is
or maybe it’s because
you think that it is easier
just to sell our iron and coal,
but what do you suggest we do
when we reach the bottom of the hole?

I don’t suppose it matters
now we have these “Green House Gasses,”
but Sir, will there be any jobs
for our coming lads and lasses
or will they all just be miners
excavating our coal and ore?
Mate, it’s very hard to believe,
that’s what the Diggers were fighting for!
Vic Jefferies (2011)

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Re: Just Thinking

Post by Terry » Sun Dec 20, 2015 10:40 pm

Hi Heather, Like I said, I'd better keep my trap shut rather that risk your wrath.

Bob, I'll swap rehabs with you - Tomorrow's Jab day mate - but you'll soon get used to that that;
I shouldn't have much trouble adapting to your one though.

Cheers and hope you both have excellent Christmas.


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Re: Just Thinking

Post by Terry » Sun Dec 20, 2015 10:47 pm

G/day and thanks Allan,

I fear you're right mate, the whole world seems to be slowly festering away at the moment doesn't it.

I hope you also have a great Christmas, and lets hope the new year brings at least a promise of better things to come.


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Re: Just Thinking

Post by Terry » Sun Dec 20, 2015 10:57 pm

G/day Vic

About the only thing you missed is the selling of our farm land and even a state harbour to a certain overseas country.
mind you they pretty well own us now I guess.

Anyway mate I hope you have an enjoyable Christmas - I guess we can still dream of what seemed so precious to some us back then.


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