The Last Stand

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The Last Stand

Post by MadMick » Mon Jan 03, 2011 12:31 am

The Last Stand

Deathly silence holds attention ‘mongst the putrid smell,
White ash the only card you left behind,
Remnants of a life before this unremitting hell,
Our sons have bled - but that is all, you’ll find.

They battled long together while I cried here on my own,
My soul restrained and deep in grief I weep,
The night’s eternal battle dwells upon the faces shown,
And blood be-speckles those compelled to sleep.

Amongst the glowing ashes lie three bodies, one my son,
As cheers ring out within the coppers cluster,
I warn thee with conviction, Ned was not the only one,
All braver than the pittance you lot muster.

You’ve taken our belongings and destroyed our family’s goals,
You’ve lied and run and hid behind the law,
But courage will defeat you, for you’ll never take our souls,
An up-rising of the likes you never saw.

Listening to the gallows creaking through the bluestone walls,
My eldest son is dying in my heart,
Edward’s name is echoed through the offices and the halls,
Tis not the end, tis truly just the start.

©MadMick 03/01/11

For those that don't know, Ellen Kelly, Neds mother, was in Pentridge Prison during the last stand and was only meters away behind a bluestone wall while Ned was being hanged.


Re: The Last Stand

Post by warooa » Mon Jan 03, 2011 5:14 am

Goodonya Mick . . great to see you back and good to see you still got a bit of ink in the old nib.

Cheeers, Marty

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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: The Last Stand

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Mon Jan 03, 2011 6:45 am

Touches the heart and stirs the fires - I for one had not heard that part of the story of the Kelly's. How that poor woman must have suffered.

A hauntingly sad but beautiful poem Mick - well done.


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Re: The Last Stand

Post by r.magnay » Mon Jan 03, 2011 11:20 am

G'day Mick, all the best to you for the new year. Though I do not condone the way we tend to make some of our criminals into heroes...and some of our heroes into criminals for that matter, a good read all the same.


Re: The Last Stand

Post by Leonie » Mon Jan 03, 2011 2:50 pm

I agree with Ross, a good read, nicely written.

... and in more agreement with Ross, from what I've read of Ned's dear old Mum she would have been a good mate for Judy Moran. Oh wait, hang on, all that underbelly lot are 'heros' now too.

Anyway, still a good read. :D

David J Delaney

Re: The Last Stand

Post by David J Delaney » Mon Jan 03, 2011 8:50 pm

G'day Mick, well written piece of our history mate, I believe there could have been a little research done here eh!

Good to see you drop in.


Re: The Last Stand

Post by MadMick » Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:36 pm

Thanks for the kind words.
Ellen Kelly, with 10 children, 9 living, was poverty stricken and a hard woman. John (Red) Kelly had become a drunk and left the child raising to her pretty much alone. She encouraged excellent morals, manners and respect amoungst all of her children. She had previously been charged a couple of time with abusive language and was once up for selling liquor without a licence, but the charge was dropped. She, as many women of the time, endured unimaginable pain and suffering throughout her life, and was treated horribly by the Victorian Police for no reason more than they couldn't arrest her sons. Almost three quarters of the state of Victoria harboured or helped the Kelly's in some way or another, not a situation that common criminals, such as the Morans, would recieve today. Thankfully in this day and age, dogs like Sgt Arthur Steele, who shot and killed Publican Anne Jones' son, and wounded others including Anne Jones' daughter and another child, Michael Reardon, would be dealt with in the proper manner and not protected by a police force containing many lawless officers.
A trip to The Old Melbourne Gaol to sit through the Ellen Kelly story is very well worth the time and historically extremely acurate.
Ian Jones has probably the best book on the subject called "A Short Life", followed by Justin Corfields "The Ned Kelly Encyclopedia".
Alternatively, Rod and Chris, owners of "Kates Cottage" in Glenrowan have extensive knowledge on the subject, and are very happy to share it with anyone that seeks facts.
Just a touch of 10 years of research Dave, been a passion of ours for many a year.
Marty, ya get better looking each day ol mate.

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Re: The Last Stand

Post by Irene » Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:03 am

HI Mick
Great poem - and your explanation in the last post shows that there is always another side to a story.
Kym Eitel has a poem she wrote called "Who were you Ellen Kelly?' - and it is another beautifully written poem about Ellen Kelly. Hopefully she will post it for everyone to read. (Hint, hint Kym!!! ;) :lol: )
What goes around, comes around.

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