Have You Ever Seen The Rain

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Jasper Brush

Have You Ever Seen The Rain

Post by Jasper Brush » Thu May 26, 2011 10:27 pm

Have You Ever Seen The Rain

There he is John Forgery big muscular arms strumming away:
‘Have you ever seen the rain coming down on a Summerrr’s day.’
The bass guitar player doped out of his mind , boong, boong, boong,
swiping chords on a red electric— moving slowly to and fro.
‘Oh, Oh, O.. Have you Eveeer Seen the rain coming down on a summerrrs day.’
The drummer tattooed biceps thrusting to the beat;
Denim encased thigh thumping in rhythm, his curly head nodding singing
with the music.
Yeah, John I see it.

The tears are streaming down my cheeks.

Jasper Brush

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