Sticky Tape

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Sticky Tape

Post by Zondrae » Thu Feb 02, 2012 5:08 am

No. I'm not stealing Greg North's idea. We had 'sticky tape is handy' as a homework topic last week. It was hard not to use any of the same predicaments as Greg does in his great routine. I think I've done it.

 Zondrae King (Corrimal) 01/12

The sticky tape was handy but I don’t think I’ll use that.
I need something much stronger to repair my cricket bat.
The gang was playing cricket in the backyard at my mums
that means my sister and my brother and some other chums.

Now playing backyard cricket is something that’s always pretty cool
but well before each match it’s best to check on every rule.
‘Cause backyard rules can vary from one backyard to the next
and if they say you’re out you can become a little vexed.

Some play the rule ‘You can’t get out, the first ball that you face’.
but others aren’t so gen’rous; they don’t give you any grace.
‘Over the fence’; another rule that you must talk about
‘Over the fence is six,’ our rule, ‘you fetch the ball, you’re out’.

Now if there’s not enough of you to let you play in teams
the batting order must be set or you’ll be hearing screams.
We limit ‘runs’, to twenty, so that each one gets a share.
Some kids can bat forever and the game becomes unfair.

In backyard cricket I have played, majority’s the rule
there rarely is an umpire and kids are sometimes cruel.
If you should whinge about it, when they say you’re out one day,
the next match that is on, well, you just won’t be asked to play.

The ownership of bat and ball can make you popular
and you’ll be given special rights in backyards near and far.
If you find out that you’ve been wronged or that you just can’t win,
you learn to be a sport and how to take it on the chin.

On rare occasions something happens to upset the play,
like this event, that’s just occurred while playing here today.
I went to hit a ball for six and gave it all my best,
it hit the ground, the handle separated from the rest.

The sticky tape was handy but I don’t think I’ll use that
It wouldn’t last, the bat would fall to bits in no time flat.
I don’t think sticky tape would even hold a practice swing.
It might stick to the handle, but the rest would never cling.

I know my dad has PVC, for wood work, in his shed
but “Don’t you go in there alone” is what my father said.
I thought “there must be something!” and remembered Tarzan’s grip.
That’s paper glue, forget it. It’s not suited for this trip.

My mum used superglue, to stick a handle on her cup.
Yes, there’s a clue, maybe that’s what I need for my stick up.
In any case it’s getting dark, I’ll put it on the shelf.
They’ve all gone home and you just can’t play cricket by yourself.

* note; having just added this to my index - it is the 40th poem I have posted since we began this index idea. (don't think I have missed any) I would never have known that except for John Peel working out the index bit. Thanks John
Zondrae King
a woman of words

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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: Sticky Tape

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Thu Feb 02, 2012 8:46 am

That bought back some good memories Zondrae - simpler carefree times mate - do kids still play backyard cricket??? Your poem painted the picture so clearly I could smell the grass....terrific

Typo here - and if they say you’re out you can become a little vexed.


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Re: Sticky Tape

Post by Neville Briggs » Thu Feb 02, 2012 12:51 pm

Good on you Zondrae. But I think you have two poems there, one about sticky tape repair and one about a cricket game Just my take on it.
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Re: Sticky Tape

Post by Zondrae » Thu Feb 02, 2012 1:53 pm

Thanks Maureen,

Those pesky little spaces... they can be as bad as too many oooos. or ......s.

G'day Neville,
Maybe you are right. But 'The day I scored 100 in the backyard at Mum's' has been written both as a poem and song.
I'll leave this one as it is. Just a homework poem.
Now to sift through the pile (and believe me I've got piles) of poor poems and see if anything is good enough to send to any comps coming up.

What was that 'Bull' Bob was on about? I remember during the time we were living at Tabulam, one of the best nights I have ever had was the 'Bull Ball' at Bonalbo. My brother in law and another friend took me, and my hubbie baby sat. Talk about a great band. Can't remember who they were but they did covers of all the Countdown Hits. (boy my slip is showing) OOhh I can feel a poem coming on.
Zondrae King
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Dave Smith
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Re: Sticky Tape

Post by Dave Smith » Tue Feb 07, 2012 12:01 am

Zondrae is this the back yard cricket poem you were finishing off on Australia day when we were doing our bit in 41.5deg heat on Wireless Hill near Fremantle.

Well it was worth the effort, I like it and only someone who is up with the rules of back yard cricket could get it so right, goodonya.

TTFN Dave.
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Re: Sticky Tape

Post by Zondrae » Tue Feb 07, 2012 5:59 am

G'day Dave,

This should be in the section about philosophy. One thing, when I was, I should say we were, raising kids - I believed in - not only 'do as I say' but also 'do as I do'. Wayne showed our kids many practical things; like how to change a washer on a dripping tap, how to repair a hole in a bicycle tube, how to pitch an old fashioned tent, how to dig a trench (when camping) to divert water, and most of all how to analyse a situation. I guess I taught them how to cook and how to iron a shirt, and many other things essential to coping with the world. But we also taught them how to play. We shared everything from scrabble to building and flying kites. Along the way there were also many games of cricket but we drew the line at football. Rather than teaching them brutal sport like boxing etc we taught them tact and diplomacy and how to settle a difference without reverting to cave man tactics.

I'll never forget the first time I took a cricket bat in my hands and actually hit the ball. Oh what a feeling.
Zondrae King
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Re: Sticky Tape

Post by Robyn » Tue Feb 07, 2012 7:06 am

The poem brought back lots of memories, Zondrae, and like you, I've played my share of backyard cricket.
Well done.
Robyn Sykes, the Binalong Bard.

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Dave Smith
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Re: Sticky Tape

Post by Dave Smith » Tue Feb 07, 2012 7:05 pm

Zondrae, it’s a good feeling having done all the good things as your kids are growing up and find none of it was wasted as you watch your kids teaching your grandkids and it all starts again, camping skills, chopping wood, cleaning fish as you say the list goes on. Our back yard was a big drive way with 4 wheel drives and boats and the like but out the front we had this manicured lawn with a worn path straight up the middle, this was of course the wicket.

All good memories but it is still going on, just cycling and recycling I guess.

TTFN Dave.
I Keep Trying

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