After the Rain

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Re: After the Rain

Post by Zondrae » Tue May 31, 2011 8:03 am

woo-hoo Irene,

Those little 'elbow' poems, that sneek in when you least expect it, are usually doozies. Goodonya! You don't get time to sit and think (like some of us) but when the muse is on you, you produce a piece like this. It's a beauty. Thank you for sharing it and not keeping it hidden (so that you can kock me out of any chance in a comp).

We don't see enough of your writing.
Zondrae King
a woman of words

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Re: After the Rain

Post by mummsie » Tue May 31, 2011 9:18 am

Beautiful Irene, I can feel, sense and smell the atmosphere on that walk, WeLL DONE, another one PLEASE.
the door is always open, the kettles always on, my shoulders here to cry on, i'll not judge who's right or wrong.

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