Autumn Fitness

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Autumn Fitness

Post by Zondrae » Sun May 08, 2011 6:30 am

We have a rather large Oak in our backyard that does it's Autumn thing. As I tidied the yard, I thought of all those workout machines they are always flogging on the Tele. I had worked up a glow (ladies do not sweat!) while raking up the fallen leaves and it struck me that I had done this only two days before. So the old grey matter bagan percolating and when I went inside I went straight to the computer.

Autumn Fitness (elbow)
©Zondrae King (Corrimal) 04/10

While I was tidying my yard, around the oak tree’s bed,
it struck me, how unfit I was, for all the work ahead.
I started raking leaves when this idea came to me.
“I bet there’s someone who would buy this workout from TV”.

‘The Aussie Autumn Work Out Plan’, I see it now, in lights.
No need for fancy gizmos and no need for wearing tights.
I looked at all the fallen leaves that lay there on the ground,
their dappled brown, above the green, lay scattered all around.

I wheeled the garden litter bin up close beside my task,
I wore my gloves and, it was windy, so I wore a mask.
I had some water handy for I get an awful thirst,
and, work or fitness, I know that the right tools must come first.

I then remembered, ‘you should warm up well before you start’
so I bent down to reach my toes with feet one step apart.
Then holding hat with both hands, I stretched high up in the air
then lifted it both up and down (forgot about my hair).

Now putt my hands onto my hips and twist from left to right.
Turn slowly now to check who’s watching. Neighbours may take fright.
There’s no need for a leotard, my normal clothes are fine.
Now look around for obstacles. Take washing off the line.

Before I started, thought that I’d divide the yard in parts.
If I’m not working to a plan, that’s when confusion starts.
With rake in hand, I then commenced to make one section neat.
The plan was, rake a pile of leaves, back in towards my feet.

My movements were so natural, adapt them to my pace.
Yes, I’m in charge. There’s no instructor yelling in my face.
How hard I work is up to me and how long sessions last,
decided I would take a break when someone’s walking past.

Before I’d start the second part I’d swap to other hand
to balance out the muscle load. This work out’s working grand
The right side first of all then left. This work out is a breeze
and by this time the leaves were piling right up to my knees.

Now drop the rake, open the lid and start to load the bin.
My knees should be quite loose and limber never lock them in.
I mustn’t strain the ham strings (you know everyone has got ‘em).
and if, by chance, I injure those I’ll get a tender bottom.

It’s bend and stretch and twist and drop. Yes, drop those leaves right in
before I knew it, yard was tidy and I’d filled my bin.
Equipment that is needed lurks in every garden shed
or hiding in the junk out back, behind the folding bed.

Call falling leaves a blessing - as raking them’s a must.
Supply seems to be endless they pile up with every gust.
The autumn workout’s waiting but don’t work until you ‘pain’
‘cause you know, come tomorrow, you can do it all again.
Zondrae King
a woman of words


Re: Autumn Fitness

Post by Leonie » Sun May 08, 2011 9:24 am

Almost makes me want to go out and exercise. :) Think I'd better have a lie down until the urge passes. :roll: :D

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Re: Autumn Fitness

Post by Neville Briggs » Sun May 08, 2011 2:46 pm

That's very good Zondrae, I like the way you have set it out with lots of action.
I'm with Leonie, don't oak leaves make valuable mulch when left just where they are ?. ;)
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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: Autumn Fitness

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Mon May 09, 2011 10:29 pm

and to think I give my neighbours chinese elm tree the evil eye every year - it is about to drop its whole crop of leaves into my garden again..the darn things never mulch down and I have given him the paperwork to apply for the $600 the local council offers to remove these noxious weeds.

I wish the urge to do my exercise with the leaves would pass :lol: :lol:
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Bob Pacey
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Re: Autumn Fitness

Post by Bob Pacey » Mon May 09, 2011 10:33 pm

Like dogs Maureen you can only blame the owners.

I have a fymo electric vacumn and it sucks, mulchs and puts all the fig leaves into a bag. best thing I ever brought.

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Re: Autumn Fitness

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Tue May 10, 2011 7:27 am

Thanks for the tip Bob why did I not think of that...I have a sucker/blower thing that is designed to do that and I only use it for cleaning up the dog hair, dust and dirt that gets under the house or for blowing the grass clippings off paths and driveways. No doubt it would do the job admirable.
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Re: Autumn Fitness

Post by Zondrae » Tue May 10, 2011 11:42 am

you could

a) blow the leaves into the street!
b) blow the leaves onto your neighbours front foothpath.
c) say 'blow the leaves' and leave them where they are.

I'm sure I could think of a dozen more but I have to go rake up the leaves.
Zondrae King
a woman of words

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