Homework March/21 'The long Road Back'

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Homework March/21 'The long Road Back'

Post by Terry » Mon Mar 01, 2021 11:09 am

This is a true story, and although told in my own words, it’s as near as I can remember, exactly as he told it.
I’m not particularly religious myself but respect those who are and this in not the only case I’ve come across where people’s faith has had a profound affect upon their lives.

I apologize Maureen for not making better use of your great prompts.


I had met him out near Yarrie sitting by a shady tree
and I still recall his words then as we shared some billy tea.
As he told me how he beat the demon drink with faith and prayer
and his years of slowly climbing from the chasm of despair.

I just sat and listened as his story started to unfold,
it was brutal and was honest in the way that it was told.
He had reached his lowest point, a drunken hopeless case
and the proof was now engraved there in the lines upon his face.

Then he paused there for a moment and a smile had touched his face,
as though savouring the peacefulness he found here at this place.
Where the fluttered wisps of campfire smoke stirred by a puff of breeze,
rose up slowly then to mingle in the leaves of nearby trees.

He was aboriginal, and out there searching then for gold
and he didn’t make excuses in the story that he told.
“I was just a hopeless drunk and heading for an early grave
and it shames me to admit now that I was its willing slave”

“I was too far gone to realize then the mess that I was in
and I didn’t give a damn then that my life was laced with sin.
Gone was all my self-respect and pride in things I once held dear,
all I wanted those days, was a flagon, or another beer.”

“In and out of jail so often, it became my second home,
then I’d head out bush to dry out where the ancient spirits roam.
But before too long the cravings drew me back to town once more;
I was just so flam’en weak – I’d hit the grog just like before.”

“I had reached rock bottom when a helping hand reached out to me,
from a church group who had promised they would help to set me free.
Though they warned me that the road back would be long and paved with pain
and I’d likely stumble on my journey, time and time again.”

“There were times it seemed to me then that I’d never beat that curse.
for each time temptation caught me out I’d end up even worse.
Desperation drove me back each time, despite my sense of shame,
yet they welcomed me with open arms and never spoke of blame.”

“I had never been religious, but I’ve changed my thoughts since then,
for my new-found faith has helped me restore self-belief again.
And I never would have made it without help along the way,
so I thank the lord for reaching out and helping me that day.”

“It’s been twenty years or more now since I gave the booze away,
but temptation’s always there - it haunts me to this very day.
Yet I know the price that all must pay who fall beneath it’s spell;
I have been there at the brink, and stared into that pit of hell”

© T.E. Piggott

This one not to be copied - may use it later
Last edited by Terry on Wed Mar 10, 2021 10:48 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Homework March/21 'The long Road Back'

Post by Catherine Lee » Mon Mar 01, 2021 2:33 pm

Wow, Terry, what a lovely, uplifting story. It also makes a refreshing change from the cynical rants of so many people these days who have an inexplicable tendency to mock those who do have a faith that has a positive influence on our lives. I am delighted to read that this is a true story of unconditional, non-judgemental help being there when it was most needed. Nobody could ever take this away from that man, nor anyone else who has been similarly touched by such caring people.

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Re: Homework March/21 'The long Road Back'

Post by Terry » Mon Mar 01, 2021 3:59 pm

Thanks Catherine
I was trying to think of something that would go ok with Maureen’s prompts, but not having much success. Then I remembered this, and although it wasn’t a good match for the prompts, I thought it was a story worth telling, and I had better do something about it while I still remembered it.

I was at a very remote spot some miles north of Yarrie (which is about 100 miles north of Kalgoorlie).
I had just boiled the billy when this chap and his wife turned up and were surprised to find me there, as very few (white people) people knew of the place.
Anyhow I invited them to join me in a cuppa, and that’s when he told me this story.



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Re: Homework March/21 'The long Road Back'

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Mon Mar 01, 2021 5:17 pm

I think that is a wonderful story Terry - bugger the prompts mate they are not set in concrete :lol: , this was so worth sharing and a true testimony to the human spirit not giving up.

A wonderful experience for you as well as seems it has lingered in your memory....we are given these lessons for a reason I always think
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Re: Homework March/21 'The long Road Back'

Post by Terry » Tue Mar 02, 2021 7:00 pm

Thanks Maureen

I suppose I could have dressed it up a bit, but with true stories like this, I like to stick as close to the facts as possible,
otherwise to me they tend seem a bit phony!

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Re: Homework March/21 'The long Road Back'

Post by Shelley Hansen » Fri Mar 05, 2021 2:38 pm

Totally agree, Terry - true life often makes the best unadorned stories.

A great tale, well told as the ladies have said.
Shelley Hansen
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Re: Homework March/21 'The long Road Back'

Post by Terry » Fri Mar 05, 2021 10:58 pm

Thanks Shelley

There was a time when i was tempted to write this as a yarn, decided against it, and then forgot all about it for a few years.
It popped back in my mind again a few days ago.


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Re: Homework March/21 'The long Road Back'

Post by mummsie » Mon Mar 08, 2021 11:05 am

Always love your work Terry and lines such as these testify as to why. Having witnessed the effects of alcohol abuse and its outcome on a close family member, not to mention the ongoing pain still carried some ten years later by family members, I can truly appreciate the sentiments echoed here.
Hope you are keeping well.

the door is always open, the kettles always on, my shoulders here to cry on, i'll not judge who's right or wrong.

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Re: Homework March/21 'The long Road Back'

Post by Terry » Mon Mar 08, 2021 6:56 pm

G/day Sue - and thanks

Made my day seeing your name here again - always enjoy catching up with old friends.

This is written bit like the old fashioned ones we used to write, where the story was the thing that counted most.

I'm still ticking over reasonably well - I have to have a small op on the 22nd but it's nothing too serious.
How about yourself Sue, you were having a pretty rough time health-wise not that long ago.
Hope it's all sorted out now.

Great to hear from you again Sue - Best wishes


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Re: Homework March/21 'The long Road Back'

Post by Ron » Tue Mar 09, 2021 3:37 pm

Really enjoyed that Terry, a good story well told. I have known and worked with blokes such as that, who have been on that brink of hell!
Seems when they have something to believe in, it gives them a new perspective on life. Also you here of many who have done great work with the Salvos' after getting back on the rails.
Well done mate

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