The Witnesses

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The Witnesses

Post by thestoryteller » Mon Jun 27, 2016 7:16 am


"You know them folk?" I asked old Jim and watched them walk away.
"They both seemed pretty friendly like and had a lot to say."
"Oh, they're Jehovah's Witnesses; they often make a call;
some folk say they are nuisances and don't like them at all."

"I've often contemplated lad what life is all about.
The world is going mad alright of that there is no doubt.
They say the Bible tells it all and seem to know it well,
perhaps they might be right you know, it's rather hard to tell."

"Some folk go on about them as if calling was a crime.
My minister has never called; I'm glad they take the time.
But if I'm kind of busy like they say they'll call again,
though if I've got a moment free it stimulates my brain."

"Not many folk got past the gate when Ginger was around,
though always let the Witnesses; he never stood his ground.
Old Ginger was astute you see; he let them good folk be.
I guess he sensed them ridgey didge and that was fine with me."

"I still recall the first young lad who called here years ago.
My attitude was diff'rent then and put on quite a show.
I growled at him, "How fast old mate can you get to the gate?"
He did just that, returned, then said. "How did I go old mate?'"

"I figured with a wit like that and as Ginge let him walk
the lad could not be all that bad, so said that he could talk.
I listened to the things he said and much of it made sense.
"Big change ahead," the young lad said, "one can't sit on the fence.'"

"My next door neighbour skited how he'd chased the same young lad,
but when the boy called 'round again he told me I'd been had.
It's true he'd called in at his place, but ev'ry soul had flown
and figured they had all gone out and he was there alone.

"As nature called he reasoned on how good folk would not mind,
if he should use the outhouse there; no one was that unkind.
He tried to pull the door ajar ... seemed caught upon the floor,
then wond'ring if it might be stuck he peeked around the door."

"And there they were, to his surprise, the fam'ly one and all,
down hiding in the outhouse to avoid the young lad's call.
I failed to see the neighbour's point or his plan of attack
by hiding from a Christian in his outhouse down the back."

From the book Tales of Uncle Jim.

© Merv Webster
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Re: The Witnesses

Post by Brendan_Pierotti » Mon Jun 27, 2016 9:27 am

That's pretty good :D

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Re: The Witnesses

Post by thestoryteller » Mon Jun 27, 2016 9:34 am

Life produces some interesting moments Brendan.

Some days your the pidgeon and other days the statue.

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Re: The Witnesses

Post by Brendan_Pierotti » Mon Jun 27, 2016 9:47 am

My Dad has mentioned about how the Witnesses come to us sometimes, but I haven't actually met one of them at our door. But yeah, my Dad seemed to have a slightly cynical, but tolerant attitude towards lots of people.

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Catherine Lee
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Re: The Witnesses

Post by Catherine Lee » Wed Jun 29, 2016 5:33 pm

A very enjoyable read Merv :lol:

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Re: The Witnesses

Post by thestoryteller » Wed Jun 29, 2016 6:25 pm

Thanks for taking the time to comment Catherine. I hope life is being kind.

Some days your the pidgeon and other days the statue.

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