The Holdup at Deadman's Bend

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The Holdup at Deadman's Bend

Post by thestoryteller » Mon Jun 20, 2016 9:42 am


The horses seemed real spooky as we neared the ‘Deadman’s Bend,’
as history showed at this here spot five men had met their end.
All cut down when they tried to stop bold outlaws in their bid
to rob the coach, its passengers; as that’s what outlaws did.

The driver sensed their nervousness was truly genuine,
but taking that sharp bend ahead required he rein them in.
Then from the trees four men appeared with weapons in their hands,
dismounted from their horses and barked out their blunt demands.

They ordered all the passengers to raise their hands on high
and warned the driver’s sidekick that if he should even try
to reach down for his rifle then they’d blow him clear to hell
and from the outlaws tone of voice they meant it he could tell.

The leader known as Dandy Dan yelled out right there and then,
“Be sure to rob the women boys and I’ll kiss all the men.”
Judge MacEvoy was on that stage, a pompous sort of bloke,
and feeling quite indignant cried, “Is this some kind of joke?

“Now surely it’s a slip of tongue. I think you mean to say
you want your ruffians to rob the men folk here today.
Though, you it’s seems would have your way and simply do prefer
to terrorise the women and embrace the poor things Sir!”

The judge’s clerk, a frail man, all decked in frilly shirt
then raised his wrist and gestured that he felt a little hurt.
“I thought it rather obvious Judge that there is little doubt
that Dandy Dan’s in charge here Sir and YOU should butt on out.”

This poem was inspired by the art work of artist Charlie Russell, found at the Internet site of dear poetry friend Bette Duncan.

© Merv Webster

From the book Bush Verse and Lyrics
Some days your the pidgeon and other days the statue.

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Re: The Holdup at Deadman's Bend

Post by alongtimegone » Fri Jun 24, 2016 7:23 pm

Ha ha enjoyed that Merv.

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Re: The Holdup at Deadman's Bend

Post by thestoryteller » Fri Jun 24, 2016 8:50 pm

In compiling a book of verse for diverse readers Wazza you try to mix em up.

Appreciate you taking the time to share it.

Some days your the pidgeon and other days the statue.

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