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Post by Zondrae » Sat May 18, 2013 7:39 am

This poem was inspired when we visited the Northern Territory. Doing the tourist thing and taking the tour to see the wonders of Yellow Waters, I noticed these little Dragonflies. At least I think they were 'dragon' flys. They were a vivid purplish-electric blue and there were quite a lot of them hovering just a few centimetres above the water. Every few seconds they would dip down and poke their rear end into the water then lift again only to repeat this action over and over. My guess is that they were laying eggs. There were probably hundreds of them as I could see them l over the place and this behaviour went on all day. This is the fifty second poem I have posted on the site. (Yes, 52!)

 Zondrae King (Corrimal) 12/11

On summer days, when time is ripe, and temperature just so
of nature’s wonders I observe and time just seems to slow.
In hidden waterways and ponds or back behind a hill
a stirring comes, when time is ripe, in air so warm and still.

Then Dragonfly and Damsel too and Lacewing every one
begin to hatch and stretching out their wings to catch the sun,
they wait a while, ‘til wings are dry, then take their maiden flight.
Their time is short, they must be off, and mate before the night.

Then following on natures urge, each finds a mate the same,
and fly to nearest water, laying eggs their only aim.
The Antlion and Owlfly are the rarities it’s true
but if you watch, when time is ripe, they could pass near to you.

When Dragonflies are resting they will hold their wings out wide
but little cousin, Damsel holds hers folded by her side.
Perhaps the first impression is the wings are angel spun
and legs, though like a cotton thread, supporting every one.

Sometimes I sit in comfort, like a sentry, in the shade,
and with some luck I just may see a Dragonflies’ parade.
Those lacy wings of varied tint, of royal blue or red
and rainbow hue make humming songs from right behind the head.

Two pairs of wings to carry them, their body slim and sleek.
They do not have a language but with pheromones they speak.
For time is short perhaps a day, perhaps an afternoon,
is all they have to procreate before the coming moon.

Has nature made their rainbow gossamer to compensate
for length of time upon the earth? - just minutes with their mate.
When time is ripe, they make our world a part of their domain
it matters not if water is in what we call a drain.

In Kakadu I saw them fly above the waterway,
in vivid blue, dart here and there. This must have been their day!
Just centimetres over lily pads, their darting flight,
and each few seconds dip their tail to lay eggs out of sight.

Some folk go off to Africa to hunt the five big game
but I prefer to stay at home, admitting with no shame,
I’ll be here, in my comfort zone, in Summer and in Spring.
I’d rather wait for Dragonflies and watch them on the wing.
Zondrae King
a woman of words

Neville Briggs
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Re: Dragoflies

Post by Neville Briggs » Sat May 18, 2013 9:14 am

Goodonya Zondrae. :)
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Re: Dragoflies

Post by Terry » Sat May 18, 2013 11:04 am

Hi Zondrae,

I'm also a fan of the Dragon and damsel flies, watching them dart about and even hover, they are truly masters of flight.
Being a keen trout fisherman I've often watched and marveled at them and the Damsel flies which come in range of brilliant colours.

Didn't this poem pick up an award recently?

I enjoyed reading your beautifully written poem Zondrae.

Cheers Terry

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Re: Dragoflies

Post by alongtimegone » Sat May 18, 2013 2:05 pm

What a beautiful piece Zondrae. Those lacy wings of varied tint, of royal blue or red
I could almost see their colours in your word pictures.

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Re: Dragoflies

Post by mummsie » Sat May 18, 2013 2:08 pm

Love this Zondrae-Dragonflys are truly one of natures delights to watch.
If I may quote a few lines from one of my poems
then from nowhere a soft breeze sings
a gentle sigh and with it brings
sheer gossamer elusive wings
of dragonflys at play

the door is always open, the kettles always on, my shoulders here to cry on, i'll not judge who's right or wrong.

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Re: Dragoflies

Post by Zondrae » Sat May 18, 2013 2:23 pm

G'Day Warren, Terry and Sue,

Yes Terry, it was Commended at Boyup Brook this year. Thanks all of you for taking the time to not only read but make a comment on the poem. Often we who write feel we are spending time and resources to simply file our work away and that no one else reads or appreciates them.

I am fascinated with Dragon flys. We have a species of really big ones that only fly through our yard in the middle of Summer. They buzz about and hover in mid air. Makes me wish I could fly. The ones we saw, that I mention in the poem, were such a beautiful colour and the bodies looked like velvet. I am not sure how many other people, who were there on the boat or any other time that day, even saw them, but I spent most of the trip round that waterway watching them. You can keep the crocodiles or any other 'big' things give me the little wonders of nature any day.
Zondrae King
a woman of words


Re: Dragoflies

Post by Heather » Sat May 18, 2013 2:37 pm

Fascinating creatures Zondrae. I have a necklace with a dragonfly on it that I wear every day in remembrance of a friend. :) Congratulations on your commended.

Heather :)

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Re: Dragoflies

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Sat May 18, 2013 3:14 pm

a beautifully crafted piece Zondrae - it's been far to long since you posted anything up. It was a delight to read this.

You might want to fix up the spelling in the title though from Dragoflies :lol:


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