At Keppel Sands

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Re: At Keppel Sands

Post by Zondrae » Thu Mar 22, 2012 11:54 am

mm I remember

when my first child was a baby, we had the Dr Suess book about ears and that was the punch line..

'what if no ears, then where would all or glasses sit.'
they'd all fall off - just think of it.'

while my little girl didn't quiet get it, I used to almost roll on the floor laughing.
Somehow it has lost it's punch over the years.

Would you rather I have my eyes peeled?
Zondrae King
a woman of words

Jeff Thorpe
Posts: 363
Joined: Mon Nov 01, 2010 3:54 pm

Re: At Keppel Sands

Post by Jeff Thorpe » Tue Mar 27, 2012 3:43 pm

Very well said Zondrae.

As an old Rockhamptonite, I well remember visits to Keppel Sands, or "The Sandhills" as I remember it being called when I was a kid. Tide certainly does go out a long way there.

I agree with you Neville. Councils seem to have endless funds for inconsequential matters but, cry poor when something useful needs doing.

An old school friend of mine managed the caravan park at Keppel Sands about 7/8 years ago - Thought it was the best job he'd ever had.

Cheers, Jeff

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