At Keppel Sands

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At Keppel Sands

Post by Zondrae » Sat Mar 17, 2012 2:21 pm

Bob asked me to knock out something that he might be able to use in relation to the council considering closing the Caravan Park where Wayne and I stayed for a week last year. It is a lovely spot and not at all commercial. Very relaxing, and the meals at the pub are good too. We got crabs every day in the pots we had borrowed. Hard work trudging in the mud at low tide. One time there were three big mud crags in one pot.

At Keppel Sands
 Zondrae King (Corrimal) 03/12

I travelled up to Queensland I was headed for Yeppoon
worked the festival – then on the road again quite soon.
Asked a friendly vendor where a bonza spot would be
to fish and rest a while and this is what he said to me.

“Now I would highly recommend the park at Keppel Sands
and for a weary traveller it is where the rainbow ends.
I hear a lot of caravans call in there overnight.
The caretakers are friendly and you’re sure to get a site.”

As this bloke was a local, I thought ‘who’d know more then he’?
and as I’m not tied to the clock, I’d take a good look see.
I found the ‘boss’s Misses’ and we had a lovely chat.
She showed me round, I found a site and paid for, one night flat.

I set up camp and went to take a look at the surrounds.
It’s always fun to try absorbing local sights and sounds.
Before I even left the park a cloud came overhead.
No, not a rain cloud in the sky, Black Cockatoos instead.

I strolled along the track that led me back ‘round the beach
and found other amenities were all in easy reach.
When I got back I met some other tenants of the park
and organised to gather round the ‘camp fire’ after dark.

The wind came up, to cement slab, I moved my little camp
to the lee of buildings, come rain I wasn’t quite so damp.
A local I had met gave me the use of his crab pot
and so I booked another night quite happy with my lot.

The next day there was crab for lunch, to everyone’s surprise
and when I saw how big - well I could scarce believe my eyes.
so one night had turned into two and then into a week.
I’d found ‘God’s window’ and I was allowed to have a peek.

But all good things must end and so I had to leave at last
I promised I’d return - but now I hear the die is cast.
The council are considering, the park may have to go.
The way I think, those councillors just can’t be ‘in the know.’

This lovely little village that is know as Keppel Sands
survives because of travellers who come from many lands.
It’s just a little slice of heaven tucked neatly away.
So fix the bogg and let Caravanners have their day.
Zondrae King
a woman of words

Neville Briggs
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Re: At Keppel Sands

Post by Neville Briggs » Sat Mar 17, 2012 4:01 pm

Why do they think of closing the caravan park??
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Bob Pacey
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Re: At Keppel Sands

Post by Bob Pacey » Sat Mar 17, 2012 4:06 pm

Works on a septic tank Neville which is faulty so the have to pump it out all the time and reckon it is too expensive to fix.

FEARS that continuing sewerage problems could force the closure of the council caravan park at Keppel Sands has business owners kicking up a stink.

Bernie Barbler, owner of the Keppel Sands Hotel, where upset residents gathered to organise a protest campaign, said yesterday it would be a huge blow to the small town.

"The pub, the shop, the takeaway - we rely on the caravan park and the tourists it attracts," said Bernie.

He believes there are elements in the council who want to abandon the park because the broken septic sewer is too costly to fix and regular pumping of the waste water and foul water tanks means the park is losing up to $100,000 a year.

"We know that closure is being considered, but if it closes it will ruin lives and wreck businesses," he said.

"Grey nomads come here every winter and there are nine permanent residents.

"The park is generally full in the holiday season and this is a problem that can be solved."

He said the council had been granted $240,000 by the Federal Government to sort out the sewerage problem, but had not spent it.

Retired Rockhampton electrician Ray Thompson, 73, has lived in his son's caravan at the park for the past 18 months and is joining the campaign.

"I don't want to leave. It's a laid back place that suits me fine. It's not five star and there's a bit of a smell at times, but I am happy here," he said.

A Rockhampton Regional Council spokesman said councillors considered a confidential report about "future management arrangements" and asked for a further report.

"This further report was requested as the council recognises the importance of the caravan park to the Keppel Sands community and wanted further options explored with a view to its retention."

The Morning Bulletin understands that officers have reported that the park is not financially viable.

But the new probe will weigh up the finances and the social and economic impacts the park has on the town.

Mr Thompson pays $120 a week plus electricity to stay there
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Neville Briggs
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Re: At Keppel Sands

Post by Neville Briggs » Sat Mar 17, 2012 4:13 pm

Call me a cynic Bob, but I have observed that it seems that councils don't find it too expensive to pay six figure salaries to General Managers or Council CEOs.
Our council has spent approx $1m of ratepayers money on a court case arising from councillors making anonymous complaints about other councillors' supposed unacceptable behaviour. The Council lost the case, never mind, win some, lose some. :( :evil:

Follow the money ( aka developer ) trail and we will probably find the reason for wanting to axe the park.
Last edited by Neville Briggs on Sat Mar 17, 2012 4:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Maureen K Clifford
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Re: At Keppel Sands

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Sat Mar 17, 2012 4:18 pm

So how much do top of the range compost-able toilets cost. Reckon you would get more than the odd one or two with $240,000 in your kick and that would include building them into a nice ensuite type of arrangement with shower.

But it's probably not about the septic system at all - more likely about how may $$$$ the council would get to sell that bit of land off to developers. Has a bit of a smell about it IMO
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Re: At Keppel Sands

Post by warooa » Sun Mar 18, 2012 8:23 am

Now now . . . being a bit cynical (or even septical :roll: ) me thinks they stuffed up having a retired sparkie as a permanent resident - sounds like they need a retired plumber who'd forego the $90hr plus gst labour costs and 240k would go a long way to appeasing the poo aromatics.

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Bob Pacey
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Re: At Keppel Sands

Post by Bob Pacey » Tue Mar 20, 2012 4:36 pm

Sent her in Zondrae no reply as yet will update you when .

Cheers Bob
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Re: At Keppel Sands

Post by Zondrae » Thu Mar 22, 2012 6:52 am

thanks Bob.

I'll keep my ears on. If it makes it can you keep me a copy please. I'll probably be passing that way again in the not too distent future.
Zondrae King
a woman of words

Neville Briggs
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Re: At Keppel Sands

Post by Neville Briggs » Thu Mar 22, 2012 7:49 am

You should Zondrae, you'd look funny without ears. And where would you put your earrings. :shock:
" Prose is description, poetry is presence " Les Murray.


Re: At Keppel Sands

Post by manfredvijars » Thu Mar 22, 2012 8:12 am

... worse still, how would you keep your glasses on ??? :D

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