Who Will Love My Children?

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Who Will Love My Children?

Post by Irene » Mon Dec 20, 2010 1:10 am

Last week, my Dad told me about the death from cancer of a lady I went to school with - although she was a couple of years behind me. I then spoke to a lady who was at her funeral, and she told me what a sad funeral it was, and how the lady left behind two small children. She had had cancer at a young age, and was unable to have children of her own. After travelling overseas, and getting a clearance from her previous cancer, she adopted two babies, 9 mths apart in age - and was raising them on her own as she doesn't have a partner. This year, she was diagnosed with another cancer - which was terminal, and which progressed quickly - and so had to find someone who would take on her children.
Today, I ran into a work colleague who lives in Geraldton, and discovered that he and his wife are the couple taking on the children.
I found it incredibly sad for everyone, but admire their courage and the decision to do what they are doing, and believe they are special people for doing so. And I thought how hard it would have been for the mother to be in that position.

This is one of those poems that wrote itself on the way home from Geraldton, so it won't have any 'polishing'!

Who Will Love My Children?
© Irene Conner 19/12/2010

How do I begin to say goodbye to those I love?
How do I ensure they’ll know I’m watching from above?
How do I prepare to die with babies in my care
knowing when they need me most that I will not be there?

Who will love my children when I am no longer here?
Who will hold them close at night and take away their fear?
Who will guide them on the path of life that lies ahead?
Questions that must now be asked, for soon I will be dead.

Can I find a family to treat them as their own?
Can I trust another mum to give the love they’ve known?
Can I, in my dying days, see clear the road to take?
Help me Lord to make the choice my heart knows I must make.

Will you take my babies please, and shield them from the pain?
Will you keep them safe through life until we meet again?
Will you be their family with lots of love to share?
I have chosen you because I know how much you care.

Thank you for your special gift that soothes my broken heart.
Thank you for the lives you’ll heal when death tears us apart.
Thank you for the courage that I know you’ll need each day.
Thank you - and with heavens’ help, this gift I will repay.
What goes around, comes around.


Re: Who Will Love My Children?

Post by Leonie » Mon Dec 20, 2010 8:04 am

Just beautiful Irene. I really feel for those poor little kids. They have effectively lost their parents (well mother at least) twice.


Re: Who Will Love My Children?

Post by Heather » Mon Dec 20, 2010 9:16 am

That's a really sad story Irene. I think the hardest thing about dying young would be not seeing your children growing up.


David J Delaney

Re: Who Will Love My Children?

Post by David J Delaney » Mon Dec 20, 2010 9:40 am

Lovely Irene, simply lovely.


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Re: Who Will Love My Children?

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Mon Dec 20, 2010 9:56 am

Doesn't need polishing Mate - it shines.


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Re: Who Will Love My Children?

Post by Neville Briggs » Mon Dec 20, 2010 10:44 am

That looks excellent to me Irene, very very good. The style is perfect for the subject, a very sad theme of loss but with a sort of hope of deliverence.

I saw Les Murray interviewed on the Tv recently and he was asked about how he approached the task of writing poems. He said that he waited until the poem announced itself and when the poem was ready to be written then he started to put it down.

I thought that was great and very true. From what you have said above I think you know what he means.

I think that what you have written shows that important element of " inspiration "
it's just sad that the event that inspired was a tragedy.

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Re: Who Will Love My Children?

Post by Terry » Mon Dec 20, 2010 10:52 am

Hi Irene,
A very touching poem, makes you want to reach out and help those children in some way.
And what about the dying mother you can feel her anguish, such a sad scenario.
And of course this was real life; very sad.


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Re: Who Will Love My Children?

Post by Irene » Mon Dec 20, 2010 10:56 am

Thank you everyone -this story just touched my heart. I must be getting soft in my old age because after I wrote it down when I got home and re-read it, it made me cry. You would have to feel for someone in her situation wouldn't you?
The children are adopted from overseas, so the family who have taken them on have the issue of cultural awareness to deal with on top of everything else - which makes them even more special in my eyes!!

Neville, I can relate to what Les Murray says - I am not good at writing a poem on a set topic. I find when I wait for the inspiration to happen, the poem writes itself - otherwise I have to work hard!!!
I have not taken the time to sit quietly and wait for a poem to appear very much lately, so was surprised at how easily this one wrote itself.

I hope to give it to the family who have the children now to let them know how special they are.

Terry, you posted your reply while I was typing this up. Yes, very sad, and I couldn't imagine what it would be like to be in the mothers shoes.

What goes around, comes around.

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Re: Who Will Love My Children?

Post by Maureen K Clifford » Tue Dec 17, 2013 2:30 pm

This is worth bringing to the top again - Whatever happened to these children along with the sadness of loss I do so hope that the years that have passed since Irene wrote this have been kind to them and that they are now enjoying, a life filled with love, hope and optimism - enough that they make all their Mums proud.
Check out The Scribbly Bark Poets blog site here -

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Re: Who Will Love My Children?

Post by alongtimegone » Tue Dec 17, 2013 6:52 pm

I don't know what you would polish it with to make it shinier Irene. It's very beautiful ... like all of your poems.

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