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Re: Australian Bush Laureate Awards 2011 ???????

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 11:17 am
by Heather
The flower behind the ear is a nice touch! Watch out, Clancy would find you most attractive! :lol:

Heather :)

Re: Australian Bush Laureate Awards 2011 ???????

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 11:38 am
by william williams
Heather :o :roll: that's Clancys Mate often known as Hairy The Flat Chest

glad to see you got home alright
Bill the old battler

Re: Australian Bush Laureate Awards 2011 ???????

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 11:56 am
by Maureen K Clifford
:oops: :oops: ooh Martyboy you say the naughtiest things - :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :lol:

Re: Australian Bush Laureate Awards 2011 ???????

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 8:15 am
by thestoryteller
Neil thanks for taking the time to bring this subject up. It has been a topic for discussion and complaint for many years and one well known performer and writer told me some years back, then why do we all keep supporting this private enterprise. I took his words to heart. I had been a finalist for several years and it became obvious to me what was going on and withdrew my support. Sadly though I see that artist still supports it.

This is not the first time an artist has taken out an award for a section that they didn't qualify in.

I have asked on many occassions Presidents of the ABPA why they are not running their own awards. I sense their answer was 'to hard basket' or a vision of the future.

The Bush Poets Association represents poets at all levels, The doodlers, The doggeral writers, The Hobbyists, to Professional Writers and Performers, along with the many folk who are just lovers of bush verse. Each should respect what the other wishes to achieve and work as a united body. Until then nothing will change.

Re: Australian Bush Laureate Awards 2011 ???????

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 9:19 am
by keats
Fully agreed merv. I too have not entered anything since my first cassette (pre stoneage) and do not intend to enter anything else while things remain as they are. That is why I have brought the subject up, because after this years debacle, those who do choose to enter, deserve to be judged within the realms of Australian Verse, not in a private financial venture as they are at present. We have all seen decisions that we have shaken our heads at, but that is the system that is currently in place if you want an award for your production.

So I hope that by bringing the discussion up again, as many of us are doing with Max Ellis Marketing, with mixed results, we may get some proper input included from the ABPA and it's members, as we have been trying for over the years.

Good to get your input, mate.