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Such is Life

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2022 4:45 pm
by Glen Hughes
38 - Such is Life

Life’s a roller coaster,
and a challenge for us all,
dig in to make a living,
ever upward, then the fall.
We celebrate our start date,
grow, produce and spend,
a life well lived, be grateful,
we all come to an end.

Life at start so precious,
in need of love and care,
dependent on our mother,
and carried everywhere.
Then we learn to walk and talk,
run, jump and play,
socialise with siblings,
enjoying every day.

Schooling so important,
to count, read and write,
believing and achieving,
and to stand up in a fight.
Sport is instrumental,
off the street, out of strife,
team work, a requirement,
and can set us up for life.

Work dates are so different,
hours worked just the same,
some jobs done with muscle,
and others use their brain.
Some work done in daylight,
some work in the dark,
some will never work at all,
just bludgers in the park.

Jack of all, some mastered,
some don’t try at all,
some grubs won’t get out of bed,
so many standing tall.
We all can make a difference,
we all can take a stance,
get up, get out, get on with it,
and wear your big boy pants.

Some live to retirement,
others taken short,
so live it like you own it,
and try not to abort.
Family is your go to,
with unconditional love,
friendships holding on to,
like fingers in a glove.

Life’s a roller coaster,
and a challenge for us all,
dig in to make a living,
ever upward, then the fall.
We celebrate our start date,
grow, produce and spend,
a life well lived, be grateful,
we all come to an end.

Glen Hughes ©