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Posted: Mon May 23, 2022 7:29 am
by Glen Hughes
29 - The RFDS

The Royal Flying Doctor,
an Australian institution,
teams are poised and waiting,
without any retribution.
A service to the inland,
all thanks to Mr Flynn,
the Royal Flying Dr’s
up and in the air again.

Airstrips instrumental,
mapped and clearly marked,
car lights giving guidance,
for landing in the dark.
Extractions in a heart beat,
have saved so many lives,
people of the outback,
children, men and wives.

Clinics offered yearly,
FIFO, operation,
general health and checkups,
so many outback stations.
Bones all bent and broken
snake bites, one or two,
burns, and appendicitis,
just to name a few.

Bales of wool, cattle sold,
gymkhanas, outback balls,
social interactions,
come together, one and all.
To keep the doctor flying,
and the service in the air,
donations in the millions,
raised by people everywhere.

Roads are all upgraded,
trucks and mobs of cars,
tearing up the inland,
come from near and far.
Accidents and incidents,
the list is wide and long,
federal government funding,
sees the service standing strong.

The Royal Flying Doctor,
an Australian institution,
teams are poised and waiting,
without any retribution.
A service to the inland,
all thanks to Mr Flynn,
the Royal Flying Dr’s
up and in the air again.

Glen Hughes ©