It's No Excuse I Fear.

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It's No Excuse I Fear.

Post by thestoryteller » Mon Dec 19, 2016 2:38 pm


We were touring western Queensland when the world cup final came
and we stayed in good old Hebel so we didn’t miss the game.
There were drunken, rowdy ringers, the proprietor, Beth and me
who were cheering on the Aussies and envisioned victory.

It was Rugby at its finest and our boys sure did us proud,
but the Pomms were hanging in there and encouraged by the crowd.
In the final dying seconds we were looking at a draw
and a further twenty minutes was now on the cards for sure.

Well you wouldn’t read about it as things seesawed to and fro
and the menace that we feared the most was … hey, I think you know.
Yes the Pommies’ secret weapon … what a truly awesome sight,
Johnny Wilkinson and his right boot that won the game that night.

It is true the Pomms won fair and square, but still it irks me some,
‘cause they flogged the poor great granddad of my gentle, poor, old mum
and to make it worse Prince Harry, who was out here for a spell,
was among the flaming spectators that cheered the Pommes as well.

Some weeks later we reached Injune and we stopped to buy some fuel
when I felt the call of nature that was painful and quite cruel.
I was settling down to execute what then had to be done
when I felt a strange sensation like the presence of someone.

Not an ordinary presence but a right royal one at that
and it really was quite scary: still I didn’t stop to chat.
When I paid the fuel attendant I said, “You’ve a problem dear,
there’s a sort of royal presence in your gents that’s really queer.”

She then smiled as she expressed to me, “Prince Harry used the loo.
He’d dropped in from Tooloombilla and had spent a penny too.
He is Jackarooing on the place and stopped in here as well,
so I guess it was his presence mate, as far as I can tell.”

With defeat still chewing at me from that finals rugby game
I released my pent-up feelings and expressed them just the same.
“I don’t care if he is royalty; it’s no excuse I fear,
as replacing empty dunny rolls is etiquette out here!”

I was watching the news one night when a story on how Prince Harry, who had been working on Tooloombilla Station west of Injune, came into town and had excited the locals when he called in at the local roadhouse and had visited the loo there. This was about the time of the World Cup and having been done over by Johnny Wilkinson’s boot I was in a, “cut down the tall poppy mood”, and young Harry seemed a good candidate.
Some days your the pidgeon and other days the statue.

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Shelley Hansen
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Re: It's No Excuse I Fear.

Post by Shelley Hansen » Mon Dec 19, 2016 9:28 pm

Must have been a relief for Harry to make a loo visit without the paparazzi! :lol:

Very imaginative, Merv!

Shelley Hansen
Lady of Lines

"Look fer yer profits in the 'earts o' friends,
fer 'atin' never paid no dividends."
(CJ Dennis "The Mooch o' Life")

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Re: It's No Excuse I Fear.

Post by thestoryteller » Tue Dec 20, 2016 9:20 am

Fairly safe in Injune Shelley but they can be persistent.

Thanks for sharing.

Some days your the pidgeon and other days the statue.

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