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Hard Hat Heroes.

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 11:51 am
by thestoryteller

There's a breed of Aussie hero who has served this nation well
and they don a yellow uniform to face the fires of hell.
When day temperatures are soaring and the high winds blow a gust,
and our bushland is ignited it's in them we place our trust.
Yes, you're all somebody's daughter and you're all somebody's son,
you are mothers and you’re fathers: hard-hat heroes everyone.

When their mates are in the hot seat and they need a helping hand,
they will volunteer their services from stations 'cross this land.
Whether country towns or cities or a small bush fire brigade,
they will gladly throw their hats in and will offer their mates aide.
Yes, you're all somebody's daughter and you're all somebody's son,
you are mothers and you’re fathers: hard-hat heroes everyone.

Do you owe your home or property, your very lives perhaps,
to the selfless, honest efforts of these bold fire-fighting chaps?
Or still sadly you lost everything, but proudly can attest
to their fierce determination as each brave soul did their best.
Yes, you're all somebody's daughter and you're all somebody's son,
you are mothers and you’re fathers: hard-hat heroes everyone.

So I ask you all to join me as we stand and raise a glass
to the courage and the spirit of this fine fire-fighting class.
And I'm sure you'd love to join me as this message we impart,
"You're such true blue hard hat heroes and we thank you from the heart."
Yes, you're all somebody's daughter and you're all somebody's son,
you are mothers and you’re fathers: hard-hat heroes everyone.

Dedicated to all the fire-fighters who, on so many occasions, have risked their lives to fight the devastating bush fires, which have ravaged so many peoples’ lives by causing loss of property and life. These verses were put to song and recorded by Denise Brooks and Bobby Magee on their album “The Balladeer and the Sailor”. Denise did the vocals and Bob added the melody.

From the book Keeping The Culture.

Re: Hard Hat Heroes.

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 5:36 pm
by Shelley Hansen
Hear, hear, Merv! A fitting tribute to these men and women who are so often the quiet achievers in our midst - but who never fail to step up to the mark when the siren sounds!

Congratulations on having your poem set to music.


Re: Hard Hat Heroes.

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 12:33 pm
by Catherine Lee
I second that Merv - these are heroes indeed!

Re: Hard Hat Heroes.

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 2:09 pm
by thestoryteller
Hi Shelley. Yes so many times they have been called on. Appreciate your sharing it with me.


Re: Hard Hat Heroes.

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 2:10 pm
by thestoryteller
Hi Shelley. Yes so many times they have been called on. Appreciate your sharing it with me.


Re: Hard Hat Heroes.

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 2:10 pm
by thestoryteller
Hi Catherine.

I put the link there to the song as well. Thanks for sharing this with us.


Re: Hard Hat Heroes.

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 5:52 pm
by Maureen K Clifford
A fitting tribute - these blokes and sheilas do a sterling job

Re: Hard Hat Heroes.

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 6:21 pm
by thestoryteller
G'day Maureen. They certainly do. Appreciate your sharing it too.

I thought Denise and Bob did a good job with the song as well.
