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Thank You For the Company.

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 1:52 pm
by thestoryteller
It's been said that a picture is worth a thousand words...we know many that are worthy of a poem. In Art Spur, we invite poets to let selections of Western art inspire their poetry.

Our twelfth piece offered to "spur" the imagination is by Dee Strickland Johnson (Buckshot Dot), "A Cowboy's Christmas Eve."

Thank You for the Company

It’s been a long hard year LORD with the dry still hanging ‘round
and with the rains eluding us there’s no grass to be found.
We used up all the supplements that one could find about,
along with all the hay we stored to help us through this drought.

We’ve sold off all the stock we could to help us make ends meet,
still keeping up with creditors sure runs you off your feet.
With all our options running out there was just one last straw;
I‘ve put the mob out on the roads, a rather lonely chore.

For months now I’ve been driving herd and LORD I have to say
I’m thankful for your company each night and through the day.
One sure gets tired of talking to the cows and my old horse
and having you as sidekick it sure helps me keep on course.

I’ve read there in the Bible how your son came to the earth
and how the angels all rejoiced the night his mum gave birth.
You see … the thing I find the hardest … is my dear and sweet wife Clare
has given birth to our first son and LORD I wasn’t there.

It kind of leaves you empty, but what helps me to endure
is knowing that she’ll seek you out. I know that Sir for sure.
So comfort her throughout this time and please be by her side;
just as you’ve been with me dear LORD, throughout this lonely ride.

I sense you must have been quite proud to see your newborn son,
well knowing that he’d teach mankind how your will might be done.
And reading of his life on earth, it wasn’t hard to tell
the years you shared a foretime shows my LORD you taught him well.

This dry can’t last forever and rains will come some day
and taking this mob home again won’t be too far away.
So thank you LORD for sparing time to be a while with me
and may the years spent with my son soon take priority.

© Merv Webster