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My Simple Point of View

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 1:09 pm
by thestoryteller

I was walking down the street and simply chanced to meet
a dirty, shabby, homeless woman there.
She then thought “I’ve got a hunch that this lass will give me lunch,”
and asked “Ma’am, have you any change to spare”.

I could see her sorry plight and man she was a sight,
so sensed a twenty dollar note was fine.
But I made it very clear to the homeless poor old dear,
“You’ll spend this lot on food and not red wine?”

She then made it plain to me, “There’s no chance of that you see;
it’s sinful and I don’t indulge at all.”
I then said, “I’m not unkind, but this has crossed my mind,
no spending it on shopping in the Mall!”

“Ma’am these days I do not shop until my frame is sure to drop,
my time is spent on trying to survive.”
I then left her in no doubt that a beauty salon’s out,
“You need to eat some food to stay alive.”

“Are you nuts!” was her reply, “my poor hair has not seen dye
or had a brush come near this aging head.”
Well I said, “You sound sincere, but instead of cash you hear
you’ll dine with me and hubby love instead.”

The old woman mystified then stood there as she cried,
“You sure your husband won’t be kind of mad?
For I really kind of smell and it not too hard to tell
I’m dirty and my clothes are rather sad.”

But I said it was ok as her presence would help sway
My hubby into seeing that it’s true
That a hair salon is fine; I need to shop and drink red wine,
to help him see my simple point of view.

© Merv Webster

From Bush Verse and Lyrics since 2005