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A Simple Word of Thanks.

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 12:49 pm
by thestoryteller

"He's a Larrikin that bloke," they said,
as Bob walked off the stage
and you knew he'd done it once again,
their laughter was the gauge.

In a world of seeming madness he
saw humour as the cure
and the Larrikin within him was
infectious that's for sure.

Though his stature was quite impish, you
could never doubt at all,
on the stage of life the Larrikin
stood out as ten foot tall.

Charismatic was his nature and
he drew a following,
as they loved the Aussie banter and
the laughter it would bring.

His encouragement to new comers
was Bobby through and through,
and so many owe a vote of thanks -
I know I surely do.

He inspired my commitment to
pursue this art of rhyme,
in my own niche ... and my own works and
rewards have come with time.

So I thank you Bobby Miller, mate,
for all you did for me,
for the friendship ... and your love of life,
expressed in poetry.

© Merv Webster

Bobby Miller [The Larrikin] was a contemporary pioneer of performance poetry back in the 1990’s and a fine writer of written verse. I first met Bob at the Bundy Mob's Bush Poets Muster in 1996 and from that time on he was a real source of encouragement to me as I pursued a career in the fledgling industry. Today, I owe Bob my thanks for helping me see the need to find my own niche and style and therefore making it possible to reap the rewards that have come my way. Bob sadly passed away on the 30th of October, 2002.

From the book Keeping the Culture.

My Simple Point of View.

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 12:53 pm
by thestoryteller
Time sure gets away.
