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One In a Million

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 12:35 pm
by thestoryteller

I was born in London, England and raised there ‘til sixteen
then sailed the seas to New South Wales and I was rather keen
to make a whole new life out here, exciting in a way,
but some might tend to disagree if they saw me today.

A sorry sight some peers might think. A bagman on the track,
with swag and billy as one’s mate, lost in the great outback.
Just like my beard and battered hat this life has grown on me
but I’m am sure that I’ve seen things most folk will never see.

In all my tramping days out bush I still have yet to find
a so called pommy squatter who was generous and kind.
They’re mostly rogues and outlaws who just love to take you down …
that was until out on the track I met old David Brown.

While tramping down this dusty road near Mungallala creek,
just me and old matilda and had been for near a week.
Then suddenly a driver carting wool yelled, “Like a ride!
My name’s Dave Brown from Eucumbene,” and said it with great pride.

“Been getting any work old chum? You’re looking rather thin.
You’d better doss at home a while,” and shared his great big grin.
“The shearing starts in three weeks’ time, so you can stay on here
and dropped us at the quarters with his grin from ear to ear.

I found it quite bewildering. A Pom who didn’t gloat …
and fancy that a squatter too; a lump formed in my throat.
Then when it came to tucker time he kindly said to me.
“You’ll eat with us up at the house for breakfast lunch and tea.”

Til shearing time I did odd jobs, like grooming the odd horse
and killed and dressed a sheep or two, with Dave’s consent of course.
He offered me a fishing line and said, “See how you go.”
The yellow belly fish I caught were pretty good you know.

Then through the weeks at shearing time I worked as rouseabout
and though hard work I stuck at it until the shed cut out.
Dave told me that they’d missed a few so told the Overseer
to muster up the stragglers and he taught me to shear.

With ribs now hidden and a cheque in tow I bid old Dave adieu
and told him for a pommy bloke he surely was true blue.
Yes, one in a million old Dave Brown and wished there could be more,
but memories of time with him will stay with me for sure.

© Merv Webster

From the book In Days Gone By