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What Has Happened To Our Postman?

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 3:42 pm
by thestoryteller

In the headlines of the paper
in a bold and heavy type
was a question that perplexed me,
but it made for lots of hype.
as he's vanished off this earth?
He is short and has a moustache
and yes plump around the girth.

All the evidence suggested
that the last time he was seen
was the lane that leads to our place
and they'd found upon the scene
his red motor bike and mailbag
and some letters strewn about
and Detectives think it's foul play
and of that they have no doubt.

But conspiracies abounded
and they varied 'round the town
from the tale that he'd been fooling
with the wife of big Bull Brown
and old Bull had caught him at it
to the latest one I know
such as Aliens had beamed him
up into their UFO.

But the truth of this whole matter
and what happened folks I fear,
is the front gate was left open
and, the sign that's big and clear,
was ignored by our dear Posty
and I sense to his demise
it was me Who let the dogs out?"
and that wasn't very wise.

The Australian Bush Poet’s Association has a Forum on the Internet and from time to time someone will come up with a subject and you have to write a poem around it. This one was about Who Let the Dogs Out?

© Merv Webster

From the book Bush Verse and Lyrics since 2005.