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Bert's Will

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 11:00 am
by thestoryteller

“A cappuccino would be nice
and thanks you Anne dear friend,
Since Bert has died I felt quite lost
but time has helped things mend.

I guess what hurt the most dear Anne
was finding in Bert’s will,
To me he never left a thing,
a truly bitter pill.

“He never left you anything!
I thought Bert more sincere.
But is that diamond ring not new
you’re wearing sister dear?”

“Well let me put it this way Anne
Bert’s will did leave a bit.
Five grand for a memorial stone
and this dear Anne … is it!

© Merv Webster

The outcome of wills these days are as uncertain as the outcome of many marriages, though, some women seem to adjust adequately.

From the book Laughter & Tears from the Bush