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The Bundure Brew

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 6:47 am
by thestoryteller
The owners had gone away for the Christmas break leaving the Super' in charge, but the boys were getting restless having nothing to do. Old cook fixed that problem by revealing a brew he had batched up. It was some brew, as the more we drank the more restless and rowdy we became. Finally, over riding the Super' and borrowing two of the stations vehicles, we headed for Jerilderie. Besides those who went in the work vehicles, a whole swag of us packed into my vehicle as well. We all had a real spree for two days until we ran out of cash, but cook solved the problem by making deals with everyone in the town for dressed turkeys, which he said he could deliver, as long as they had half the money up front first, promising delivery in a couple of days. Sometime after that kitty had been drunk out as well and discretion demanded that we had better head back to 'Bundure'


'Twas Christmas time on old 'Bundure' and with our boss away,
the Super' was the top dog there, a bloke called Boofhead Bray;
It's fact that men grow restless souls with nothing much to do,
but cook resolved our problem though; he had some Bundure brew.

It surely took one's breath away and killed a blokes IQ,
for soon the lads were full as ticks and planned on shooting through.
When Nugget yelled "Let's go to town!" The men all raised a cheer.
"Like hell you are!" old Boofhead cried, "you're gonna all stay here!"

The men defied the Super's cries and climbed aboard a truck,
for now the brew had taken hold they planned to run amuck.
"Jerilderie or bust!" we cried and sang our way to town,
as Christmas time demanded cheer, we would not let it down.

Two days we stayed there on a spree till all our pay was spent,
but cook had worked a scheme up though; a cunning little gent.
He promised turkeys to the folk with half the cost up front.
"We run them on 'Bundure'," he said. The lying little runt.

That kitty too was then drunk out, which left us rather shot,
while morning found us heading home, a sore and sorry lot;
Old Bray said,"Lads you've done your jobs, I'm gonna dob you in."
'Twas surely only fun, we thought, except for cookies sin.

When Monday came, and time to work, the super' called us out,
then read out loud a list of names ... our jobs were gone no doubt.
"Your cheques are at the house," he said, "then find a new abode."
Though first we got cooks recipe, then hit the frog and toad.

© Merv Webster

From the book In Days Gone By