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Visiting Melanie Gaye

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2016 7:41 am
by thestoryteller

Though the breeze on my back was a pleasant relief,
it had Buckleys of changing my mood.
Brother Samuel and I were not saying a lot,
we just rode and were happy to brood.
To begin with we’d kicked off the day rather well,
but had ended up having a row;
‘cause events played a hand … put a damper on things
and I know what you’re thinking … but how?

Looking back I was puzzled why young brother Sam
rose so early from out of his cot.
Like he had something planned and was rearing to go,
though I hadn’t a clue as to what.
He had sung all the morning and cleaned up his chores,
then had showered and got slickered up.
Within five he had saddled his favourite mount
and had bolted like some scalded young pup.

I had reason enough to be cheerful myself
and was keen to be heading off too,
for the neighbour’s sweet daughter young Melanie Gaye
had come home for a week, maybe two.
We had grown up together and all through those years
I had fancied the girl from next door,
but I somehow begged off from expressing that fact,
though I’d tell her today, that’s for sure.

I’d looked forward to hearing her laugh once again
and had missed her infectious, warm smile.
Too, those dark piercing eyes and her long velvet hair
that she wore in a free flowing style.
She was always the life of a party that girl
and admired by all the young men.
Just a half hour or so and two ridges to go
and I’d see that sweet girl once again.

With my heart in a flutter I’d reached the front gate
and then cantered along to the yards.
All the while I’d kept thinking … remember your lines,
‘cause forgetting was sure on the cards.
But the sight up ahead threw a spoke in the wheel
and I couldn’t believe what I saw.
There were dozens of horses all tied to the rail
and the porch it held cowboys galore.

There was Butch from “Iona” and Tim Brackenshaw
and the twins from the “Lazy Bar D.”
All the lads from “King Ranch” and old “Belleview” as well
and Buck Holliday from “Wannabe.”
From the spread “Kickatinnie” came Alby and Ralph
with their neighbour young Danny McBride,
but the shock of all shocks was the moment I saw
brother Sam with my Mel near his side.

I had no other choice but to bite the old tongue
and to share a few drinks with the crew.
It seems Cupid had gathered us all to the fray
and had saved on an arrow or two.
So you know now in fact what was ailing me so
and what dampened my spirits that day.
We were now heading home, without speaking a word
‘bout the courting of Melanie Gaye.

A popular site on the internet is Western Cowboy Poetry, Music and more at the Bar-D Ranch. Each quarter poets are invited to write a poem inspired by a specially featured picture and selected poems are posted on the site. This was my first effort but along with a few other mates we found that our eyes had deceived us.

Hence a re write.


Though the breeze on my back was a pleasant relief,
it had Buckleys of changing my mood.
Sister Pam and myself were not saying a lot,
we just rode and were happy to brood.
To begin with I’d kicked off the day rather well,
but now rode with a frown ‘cross my brow,
‘cause events played a hand … put a damper on things
and I know what you’re thinking … but how?

Looking back I was puzzled why young sister Pam
rose so early from out of her cot.
Like she had something planned and was rearing to go,
though I hadn’t a clue as to what.
She had sung all the morning and cleaned up her chores,
then had showered and got slickered up.
Within five she had saddled her favourite mount
and had bolted like some scalded young pup.

I had reason enough to be cheerful myself
and was keen to be heading off too.
For the neighbour’s sweet daughter young Melanie Gaye
had come home for a week, maybe two.
We had grown up together and all through those years
I had fancied the girl from next door,
but I somehow begged off from expressing that fact,
though I’d tell her today, that’s for sure.

I’d looked forward to hearing her laugh once again
and had missed her infectious, warm smile.
Too, those dark piercing eyes and her long velvet hair
that she wore in a free flowing style.
She was always the life of a party that girl
and admired by all the young men.
Just a half hour or so and two ridges to go
and I’d see that sweet girl once again.

With my heart in a flutter I’d reached the front gate
and then cantered along to the yards.
All the while I’d kept thinking … remember your lines,
‘cause forgetting was sure on the cards.
But the sight up ahead threw a spoke in the wheel
and I couldn’t believe what I saw.
There were dozens of horses all tied to the rail
and the porch it held cowboys galore.

There was Butch from “Iona” and Tim Brackenshaw
and the twins from the “Lazy Bar D.”
All the lads from “King Ranch” and old “Belleview” as well
and Buck Holliday from “Wannabe.”
From the spread “Kickatinnie” came Alby and Ralph
with their neighbour young Danny McNair.
But the shock of all shocks was the moment I saw
Sister Pam tearing tufts from Mel’s hair.

Poor young Pam she had played second fiddle to Mel
all those years ‘til her friend went away,
then the boys all around started calling on her
or they had been it seems til that day.
I think Pam was excited and had hoped to share
how good fortune had blest her at last.
But when she rode in and saw all the boys there -
I’m afraid that the friendships had passed.

I had no other choice but to break up the fight
and apologise to all the crew.
It seems Cupid had gathered us all to the fray
and had saved on an arrow or two.
So you know now in fact what was ailing me so
and what dampened my spirits that day.
We were now heading home, without speaking a word
‘bout our visiting Melanie Gaye.

© Merv Webster

From the book Lyrics and Bush Verse.