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Today It Isn't So

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 8:10 am
by thestoryteller

The children clustered 'round him drawn like bees to nectaries,
for pleasant were his stories and they felt so much at ease.
His mates though thought them nuisances and should be chased away,
the stranger stated, "Leave us, and become like them I say."
I guess you know the man who uttered these words years ago;
that stranger loved the children, but today it isn't so.

He saw in them an innocence, a trust, a shining light,
though sadly, sick, sadistic, souls today betray that right.
You hear it on the tele and the tabloids break the news,
another child has vanished and they’re searching now for clues.
"I only sent her to the shop 'twas stupid now I know,
'twas always safe in my day, but today it isn't so.

So sick'ning is the spectacle and senseless, quite depraved,
the bruised and battered bodies etched within my mind - engraved.
Their loving is so natural and made to share around,
then some mad mind betrays them for its chemistry's unsound.
We built our parks and playgrounds, so we'd have somewhere to go
and share their joy and laughter, but today it isn't so.

"Don't say hello to strangers dear and hold onto my hand,
refuse the sweets, refuse the rides, now do you understand?
'Cause bad folk, they will hurt you dear, so walk with me to school
and I will pick you up at three, remember that's a rule."
"But mummy can I walk to school, oh mummy don't say no!"
"In my day you might do that, but today it isn't so."

You see a child approaching near and go to say hello,
then fear engulfs your feelings as you just don't really know,
if you may somehow undermine the things their parents said,
and pass on by with a wry smile or simply nod your head.
Oh, how it tears at heartstrings for you only wish to show
that all mankind should love them, but today it isn't so.

They say within his stories how the stranger did express
his purpose was to change things and this earth would more or less;
be one day just like paradise where mankind would not prey
upon defenseless offspring and that time was on its way.
Where if a child is questioned, "Are you frightened?" They say "No!
We once had fear of strangers, but today it isn't so!"

©Merv Webster

From the book You're Joking! Milk in Billy Tea!

For so long now we have witnessed the on-going mistreatment of certain individuals towards their offspring and sadly society does not seem to have the answers. It prompted me to express my feelings and ask myself - “Is mankind doing so well that we can afford to be so arrogant as to ignore what the stranger said?” Maybe we need to be humble and extend a listening ear!