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And Then the Fight it Started.

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 6:53 pm
by thestoryteller

I must say I’m a happy bloke and quite content in life;
been married over forty years but still I land in strife.
Sometimes it just those silly things that get fights underway,
the foot in mouth syndrome I guess, the silly things you say.

Like on the day we both sat down to watch some tele see
and I was flipping channels like, to see what suited me.
“What’s on the tele love?” she asked and I said, “Dust!” my dear.
And then the fight it started mate and man she chewed my ear.

"Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" was pretty boring though.
So hinted, “like a cuddle dear.” and she said flatly “No!.”
“Is that your final answer.” “Yes.” Well then I’ll phone a friend.
And then the fight it started but she won in the end.

She asked at anniversary time, “Please buy me something Hon!
It must be something shiny dear, does zero to a ton,
but in three seconds flat as well.” So bought her bathroom scales.
And then the fight it started mate but hey, I’m telling tales.

Then at that fancy restaurant the waiter served me first.
“I’ll have a juicy steak please mate and beer to quench me thirst.”
“Not worried ‘bout the mad cow then?” “No she can order now.”
And then the fight it started, a ding dong all out row.

Too once she stood there naked and peered in the mirror there.
“I’m old and fat and ugly love, please compliment me dear!”
I guessed I’d better tell the truth, “Your eyes are perfect sweet.”
And then the fight it started mate. I gave up in defeat.

Last week when I got home from work she said with a stern face,
“It’s time you took me out my dear to some expensive place.”
So took her to the garage where we got our service done.
And then the fight it started and did she give me some.

Of course there’s all the good times though when life is full of bliss,
we squeeze and hug each other and she plants me with a kiss.
Those fights are now like water that runs off an old duck’s back.
“I wasn’t talking ‘bout you dear … but if it fits then quack.”

Merv Webster.