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Hope It Works

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 11:48 pm
by thestoryteller

Jeb Plunket was a bushman and a Grazier by trade
and though he had no schooling this smart gentleman had made
a fortune breeding cattle on his property out west
and Jean his wife had helped him and to this Jeb could attest.

She kept her home near spotless and off sided for her man
while raising all twelve children that made up the Plunket clan.
Despite her heavy work load she made time for hubby dear
and truly loved her partner and she made that pretty clear.

But the years wear down the best of folk and weariness sets in
and aches and pain come to the fore, indifference gets a win.
Jeb noticed that his darling Jean at night was quite sedate
and had ignored advances that he’d made to her of late.

When cousin Caleb visited Jeb mentioned his demise
as Caleb was a city bloke and Jeb thought him quite wise.
A Therapist was Caleb’s trade and Jeb was keen to learn
if he may have a remedy to solve this new concern.

That night they had a rum or two and Caleb was all ears
and shared a little remedy that might relieve Jeb’s fears.
When Caleb left next morning well old Jeb ran to the barn
and what took place, I must relate, it sure makes a good yarn.

Two of Jehovah’s Witnesses were spreading the good news
and called into the homestead as they loved to share their views.
Seems Jean had taken Caleb into town to catch a plane,
so knocking by the witnesses appeared to be in vain.

Not willing to give up just yet they heard a noise nearby.
and hearing music in the barn thought, well, it’s worth a try.
They found Jeb in striped boxer shorts in front of his John Deere
gyrating to the music and they really thought that queer.

Poor Jeb was real embarrassed and was eager to explain
his simple partner problems and he really was quite sane.
It’s therapy I’m practising as I don’t have strange quirks.
I’m dancing in my boxers to a tractor. Hope it works.