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The Colt

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 10:27 pm
by thestoryteller

The colt was out of Firefly and sired by Mystic Morn
and everybody sensed that from the morning it was born
it’s pedigree would stamp it as a real outstanding horse
and obviously an asset to the JJ of course.

The boss had paid a tidy sum and wanted a return
and made it clear those two years back he’d made it my concern
to be the youngster's carer and from his set point of view
he had himself a racehorse that would make his dream come true.

That week out from the colt’s first race proved memorable I know
as panic hit the JJ and I was struck a blow
when early, just on sunup, I had found the stable door
wide open and my protégé … skedaddled that’s for sure.

I won’t repeat the sentiments the boss sprayed out that morn
but all the men were saddled and were riding out at dawn
and when we reached the ranges well he spat out some decree
that by the way he pointed it was truly aimed at me.

“We’ll search and find this youngster … if you plan to stay around,
and pray to God in good health when he hopefully is found,
so spread out every one of you and keep your eyes about!”
I sensed he meant the words he said, of that there was no doubt.

The thing that kind of bothered me and had me feeling sore
was, who had left the latch unlocked upon the stable door?
I’m certain that I locked it after feeding him that night
and when I left his stable everything had seemed alright.

I sensed he may seek company and in my mind I knew
The Boss ran some rough horses for a local buckjump crew
and usually they stayed well hid, well back and out of sight
and in my mind I hoped like mad that somehow I was right.

By dusk I’d found no trace of them and stopped to have a spell;
no signal showed the other boys had not found him was well.
The option to go back was out so lit a fire and ate
some jerky that I had with me and pondered on my fate.

At first light I had noticed dust rise not so far away
which raised my hopes considerably and headed off that way
to find beside a waterhole the mob I had in mind
and standing in amongst them was the colt I’d hoped to find.

My presence spooked the touchy mob and fled without delay
and sure enough the youngster had no mind to simply stay.
He proved he was fleet footed too and bred for speed by heck
but finally the flying noose pulled tight around his neck..

The boss was sure elated when I found him round midday
and as the horse was in good health he held his scorn at bay.
Then four days later on the track the young colt scored a win
which changed the mood around the place and surely saved my skin.

That night the boss gave me a beer and said “You’re in the clear
and I’ve a small confession that you probably should hear.
It’s left me feeling foolish like and can’t say I feel good
in blaming you for what took place and want this understood.

I checked in on the colt that night but then I got a call
and foolishly I walked away and didn’t think at all
to lock the stable door that night; it simply slipped my mind.
So sorry lad for blaming you; I know it was unkind.”

That colt brought home returns alright for many years come
and yes, in time, he soon amassed a truly tidy sum.
Today that horse and I’ve retired out on the JJ
The boss made sure of that alright before he passed away.