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Silver Moon

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 8:19 am
by Zondrae
Because the moon was closer to earth, last night, than it has been for a long time, I thought I'd post this. This poem is what I call an 'elbow' poem. It came to me after a casual glance up one night and .. Oh! the moon... the sky. Flabergasting!
The poem has performed well in competition and was read by Irene Connor to a group of tourists. I am not sure of the location but it was on a guided night work in WA. It has travelled to Germany and UK. (That I know of)

Silver Moon
© Zondrae King (07/07) Corrimal

Oh did you see the moon last night? She wore her silver gown,
with stars, as bright as diamonds, set in her celest-yal crown.
Her escort lifted up her hem to make her passage fleet.
The Milky Way was like a carpet spread beneath her feet.

A smile was gently beaming, broad across her pallid face.
She walked a never changing path so constant in her pace.
Her grand procession crossed the sky and moon glow trailed a line
as sprays of spangles marked her way. The image was divine.

Then drawing close around her was a most uncommon sight
that rare and strange phenomena, a rainbow in the night.
I felt it was a privilege for me to linger there
and see its wondrous colours like a ribbon in her hair.

To hide her face from me there came a lace of drifting cloud.
Serenity was not disturbed; she floated on, still proud.
The shadows cleared and once again the light of moonbeams shone.
The gentle breeze had pushed the clouds and quickly they were gone.

A condensate of pearls was formed, strung on a spider’s web.
An evening zephyr stirred the trees. The tide began to ebb.
A whispering of ocean foam sang love songs to the shore.
The moonlight sparkled on the sand and peace returned once more.

The haunting call of ‘mopoke’ sounded from a hollow tree.
This most familiar, soothing sound was comforting to me.
I felt a warm November breeze caress my weary face
and lay prostrated on a stone within this peaceful place.

As night drew on this spectacle continued ‘cross the sky
and I, in sweet surrender, gave a deep contented sigh.
The pressure of this busy world returned to me too soon
but I was glad I took the time to watch the silver moon.

Re: Silver Moon

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 11:16 am
by Terry
Lovely poem Zondrae,
Feel a bit guilty about posting my bit of nonsense after reading this.


Re: Silver Moon

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 1:20 pm
by Zondrae
G'day Terry,

You know from experience .. that the ones that fall into your head have a life of their own. It feels like they write themselves. I love the night sky specially when I am away from the city and can see it more clearly.

This night there was a multi-coloured haze around the moon but other than this the sky was very clear. I was getting out of my car and as I looked up, it struck me - I actually gasped "Oh! look at the moon!" out loud. It was so beautiful. I don't know how long it stayed like that. The next day I asked several people. "Did you see the moon last night?" but no one had. I guess they were too busy to look.

By the way, you don't write nonsense. I see your name up there with the best of them.

Re: Silver Moon

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 1:32 pm
by Heather
Beautiful poem Zondrae. I really enjoyed it.

Heather :)

Re: Silver Moon

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 1:36 pm
by Bob Pacey
Look out Heathers up Musta been a good party.

We had to cancell our equinox celebrations because of the rain

well done


Re: Silver Moon

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 7:33 pm
by Terry
Hi Zondrae,
Val and I had a look at the moon as well, one of the things I love about being out in the bush is that you get to see the night skies in all their glory.

Cheers Terry

Re: Silver Moon

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 8:38 pm
by Bob Pacey
I used to own a three acre block outside of Rocky and on a clear night I liked nothing better then to lie back on the bonnet of the car and watch the stars. Sort of makes you realise how unimportant we are.

Ps seen lots of shooting stars but reckon i missed out on a lot of wishes.

Dreamer Bob

Re: Silver Moon

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 9:27 am
by Trisha Patterson
Beautifully written Zondrae...your words portrayed a mystical sight.

Re: Silver Moon

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:50 am
by Zondrae
Thanks everyone,
For the possitive feedback.

I will admit that I ran this one past Peely. When he gave it the nod.. with just one rough spot, I knew I had a good one.

Re: Silver Moon

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 10:49 am
by Mal McLean
I have had my head down and bum up for a while and I am just catching up with the forum. Great poem Zondrae.
