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Each Man's Book

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 12:29 am
by Irene
Trying to get myself back into writing, but it isn't happening!!
But did write this last year - returning to work in aged care must have stirred the creative juices just a little!! Just wish it would do a bit more!

Each Mans Book
© Irene Conner

There’s a tear within each weathered crease,
a smile and laughter too.
There’s worry born of troubled times,
And yes, there’s been a few.
There’s pain within each furrowed groove
Carved by a cruel knife;
By God’s crayon, they’re etched upon
The canvas of his life.

There’s a strength behind those shrunken eyes
Belied by frail form;
Resilience that’s bent and swayed
Through lifes’ chaotic storm.
There’s courage as he’s mourned the loss
Of his once active role –
You can’t subdue what’s peeking through
The windows of his soul.

There are loving hands that cradled once
A daughters broken heart;
A font of wisdom always full
Of knowledge he’d impart.
There’s history that lies within
His shattered earthly shell;
A lovers face; a fathers grace;
A spirit age won’t quell.

There’s a thousand men like him, I know,
Lie broken in their bed;
A thousand men who walk the path
That no man wants to tread.
And each man has a gift to share
with those who care to look;
At any age, there’s still a page
To read in each man’s book.

Re: Each Man's Book

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 9:09 am
by mummsie
A sad fact of life Irene. Beautiful lines which place us in the moment. Well written Irene.


Re: Each Man's Book

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 9:31 am
by Maureen K Clifford
Beautifully crafted Irene - written with a tender touch as well as displaying the dignity and strength that lies behind those faces, something that is often IMO overlooked.

Re: Each Man's Book

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 10:09 am
by william williams
Thanks Irene what you have written tell of many an aged persons history thanks once again

Bill the old battler

Re: Each Man's Book

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 10:18 am
by vwalla
Thank you Irene.
Your compassion is quite evident.
Val W

Re: Each Man's Book

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 11:00 am
by Terry
As already Mentioned elsewhere Irene - A great poem.


Re: Each Man's Book

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 6:57 pm
by alongtimegone
Beautiful Irene ... as always. I especially like your final verse ...
And each man has a gift to share
with those who care to look;
At any age, there’s still a page
To read in each man’s book.

For those who care to look.
I love that line. It is telling of so many of us.
Love it ... love it.

Re: Each Man's Book

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 11:47 pm
by Irene
Thank you everyone
I find the flow of words is much better when I write on topics such as this - as I have been involved in aged care for many years over my working life, and it is a field that I love.
I remember early in my time as a poet being told 'write about something you know well!' so that is what I try to do.

Although my few poems lately are quite short, I am really loving feeling the flow again! It just doesn't happen often enough! :(


Re: Each Man's Book

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 7:02 am
by Rod Walford
Love this poem of yours Irene - there's no substitute for experience eh? congratulations!