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Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 7:26 am
by Zondrae
OK - having met members of the ABPA and discovering the Poets Breakfast at the first folk festival I ever attended, I went home with the intention of writing something for the following year.

We have, in our family, the invisible presence of 'someone'. You know, the person who eats the last banana or doesn't put the tools back in their place after the have been used, or uses the last of the toilet roll and doesn't replace it. He is also the person who might get some use out of the half worn out shoes or jumper that I can't bring myself to throw in the bin and end up at St Vinnies. I'm sure you all know who I mean. He is also the extra person who might knock at the door half an hour before Sunday dinner, that we make that little extra bit of food for. He is called 'poor old someone' at our place.

© Zondrae King (01/02)

Have you ever attended a meeting, or a gathering in a hall,
to gauge public opinion, or answer community call?
And after the principal speaker, or during his tale of doom,
a faceless voice will soon be heard from somewhere in the room.

“Somebody should do something, someone should do it now.”
And doesn’t even give a hint of who or where or how.
“If only someone would have said, why didn’t someone act?
Surely someone must have known. Do you think they made a pact?”
Even in the smallest group he always gets the blame.
Someone left it open. Someone turned off the flame.

But just as often things get done and wonders come about.
Someone creates a garden, helps those less fortunate.
Someone gives the dollar that adds up one by one
to help farmers feed their stock when deadly droughts begun,
To send to fire victims, to support Olympic teams,
to help deserving children, to live up to our dreams.

Someone deserves a medal. Someone should get some praise.
Someone needs a rousing cheer to help them through these days.
So when you set your table and Christmas gifts pile up
put out an extra setting and a present nicely wrap.
Make it something special that you’d like to receive
and place it there without a tag beneath your Christmas tree.

Someone is always watching. Someone’s keeping score.
You never know the face behind the knocking at your door.
It could be that dark stranger, the one that we all dread.
Do you think that you’ve prepared by the life you’ve led?
I hope I’ve led a good life. I’d guess that you have too.
I’d hate to think that we’d miss heaven for what we didn’t do.

So when you’re at that meeting and when you hear the call
don’t be afraid to raise your hand and put your name upon the roll,
and take on just one extra task. Just ones not too much to ask.
If I do one and you do one and someone else does too,
we’ll manage all our problems. Someone is me and you.

Re: Someone

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 10:17 am
by Neville Briggs
As one of my workmates used to say " let's act, form a committee to form a committee " :lol:

Re: Someone

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 11:13 am
by Heather
Good one Zondrae. If all the someones did something a lot more would get done! Put your money where your mouth is!

Heather :)

Re: Someone

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 2:18 pm
by alongtimegone
Good poem Zondrae. Good topic too. I guess we've all been one of the someones occasionally. Another one commonly heard is "Why doesn't the government do something."

Re: Someone

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 12:10 pm
by Zondrae
G'day all,

Thank you to those who have replied to this one. As I said it is one of my very first attempts at rhyme and metre. There are errors but it is too late at this stage to change it.

Re: Someone

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 6:55 pm
by Bob Pacey
Around our place we call him Sam Wan. He does lots of thing but never owns up.
