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Let Me Lie Within Your Silence

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 4:14 am
by Irene
I seem to spend a lot of time in Geraldton lately with work commitments, or travelling to and fro.
What I really miss when I am here is the silence, and the peace of the countryside - our son lives just near the main highway that goes through the city from up north down to Perth - and being in the caravan, the noise never stops, and the sky is always lit with artificial light!!
I got to go home for one night Friday night, and slept out on the balcony in the beautiful crisp autumn air, enjoying the peace and quiet that I miss. Tonight I am back in Geraldton, and even with music on while trying to have a quick sleep before I started night duty, it didn't drown out the noise.

Let Me Lie Within Your Silence
© Irene Conner 04.05.2013

Let me lie within your silence,
let me feel the sweet caress
of the night air as it wraps me
with a peace I must possess.
Let my soul drink in the beauty
of the stars that light the sky;
all the stress my body's holding
may your presence pacify.

As I travel on the highway
to the city far away
I can feel the tension building
and it leads my soul astray.
In the hustle and the bustle
of a place that never sleeps
there's no solace in the night-time
and my heart, in sorrow weeps.

In the frantic pace of living
juggling each new days demands
there's a sense of disconnection
that so stealthily expands.
There's a restlessness within me
that I struggle to contain
and I know the time is coming
when I must go home again.

Home to bask in natures beauty;
home to feel the silent call
that can break the grip of busyness
which holds me in its thrall.
Home to counter the depletion
of a schedule running riot;
home away from all the noises
to a place of peace and quiet.

Let me lie within your silence,
let me feel the sweet caress
of the night air as it wraps me
with a peace I must possess.
Let my soul drink in the beauty
of the stars that light the sky;
all the stress my body's holding
may your presence purify.

Re: Let Me Lie Within Your Silence

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 5:03 am
by Stephen Whiteside
Know the feeling, Irene, know the feeling.

Re: Let Me Lie Within Your Silence

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 10:00 am
by Neville Briggs
Me too Irene. I know what you mean. In the safety-gear section of the hardware store you should be able to get little sponge ear plugs. Essential for my sleep on party nights. :)

Re: Let Me Lie Within Your Silence

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 10:14 am
by Maureen K Clifford
That is just beautiful Irene - can't you make it happen of a full time basis? I know we have to work to eat but sometimes think the stress negates that benefit.

Only nit pick would be in this line which I found bumpy - IMO drop the 'new'
In the frantic pace of living
juggling each new days demands
there's a sense of disconnection
that so stealthily expands.

This is a classy write which I very much enjoyed reading. Thank you



Re: Let Me Lie Within Your Silence

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 10:55 am
by Terry
Hi Irene,
I feel the same way about heading out bush again, been back here too long.

Another good one Irene - by the way that line seemed OK to me, perhaps it's the way you read it?

Cheers Terry

Re: Let Me Lie Within Your Silence

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 11:15 am
by mummsie
A beautiful write as always Irene. Yes, its hard to find time to smell the roses-but how we appreciate those times when we do.


Re: Let Me Lie Within Your Silence

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 3:40 pm
by Glenny Palmer
That's spot on IRene...& beautifully written. Your work lately seems to have the ring of lyrics? Maybe a songstress evolving?

(I think Mausey is reading it as 'jug all ing'.....?? Might be an Ipswich thing? :lol: ??.... XX)

Re: Let Me Lie Within Your Silence

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 3:54 pm
by Heather
I know that place Irene; I live there. :)

Heather :)

Re: Let Me Lie Within Your Silence

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 4:57 pm
by Maureen K Clifford
You are right Glenny I was :oops: As you were Irene - just checking to see who was alert. Glennie and Dave passed - well done you two. Will be sending you both an A LERT AWARD via carrier pigeon. :lol: :lol:

Question - if juggle has 2 syllables - how come juggling also has 2 syllables????? Bloody English language :roll:

Re: Let Me Lie Within Your Silence

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 6:18 pm
by Glenny Palmer
Bonzaa! I got a Certificate....instead of giving them out...Yay!...(I think). Bloody hell Maureen I've been all day trying to manufacture certificates & boomfa!!...up you pop with one, like greased lightning. We'll have to get you to do a workshop on all this arty stuff you know how to do...seriously. (Love the puppy.)
Don't blush love...if you were using the colloquial 'jugg a ling' then you would indeed have been correct in your observation........everyone has their own way of's being forced to think about it that's a pain....(why doesn't Mannie have a kiss blowing thingy on here??)

XX Glenny